CHAPTER I. THE TATI, OR. VICTORIA GOLD FIELDS, -- The Zambesi, or Monomatapa Gold Fields-The Tati, or Victoria Gold Fields, Matabililand-Position and Extent of the Tati Gold Fields-Distances and Routes-Height above the Sea Vegetation-Sanitary Conditions-Cost of Living-Medicines -- CHAPTER II. THE NORTHERN GOLD FIELDS, -- Departure from Natal-Journey up Country-Arrival in Matabililand-Reception by the Great Chief-Description of Scenery The Mashona People-Old Diggings-The Hartley Hill Quartz Reefs-Ordered to leave'the Country u -- CHAPTER III. ELECtiON OF THE MATABILI KING, -- Lo Bengula proclaimed King-Coronation Ceremonies-Exploring for Gold-Elephant Hunting-" Willie's Grave"-Ancient Gold Fields-Visit to the King-Return to Matabililand-Lo Bengula signs the Grant -- CHAPTER IV. THE NORTHERN GOLD FIELDS, MATABILILAND. -- Journey through the Fly Country-Opening the New Road-Adventure with Lions-Difficulties of Travel-Hunting Adventures -The Limpopo River-The Nylstroom-Bricks from an Ancient City-Return to Pretoria -- CHAPTER V. THE GOLD FIELDS OF THE TRANS-VAAL REPUBLIC-:MARABASTADT, EERSTELING, LYDENBURG, MACMAC, AND PILGRIM'S REST. -- Mr. E. Button's Joumeys-Ruins of an Old Town-Migrations of the Dutch Boers towards Canaan-Climate of the Gold FieldsAlluvial Gold Fields-Various Quartz Reefs-Information for intending Diggers -- CHAPTER VI. PROGRESS OF DISCOVERY. -- Residence in the Trans-vaal-Anecdotes -- CHAPTER VII. PROGRESS OF DISCOVERY. -- Mr. George Pigott Moodie's journey to Delagoa Bay-Country between the Gold Fields and the sea-Boundary between the Trans-vaal and the Portuguese -- CHAPTER VIII. PROGRESS OF DISCOVERY-JOURNEY FROM PRETORIA TO NATAL via MARTHINUS WESSEL STROOM AND UTRECHT -- Coal in South Eastern Africa-Crossing the Drakensberg-Quartz Reefs-Arrival in Natal-Summary of Distances -- CHAPTER IX. PROGRESS OF DISCOVERY-THE LYDENBERG GOLD FIELDS-MACMAC OR MACAMAC AND PILGRIM'S REST QUARTZ REEFS AND ALLUVIAL DIGGINGS. -- Discoveries of Herr Mauch-Ancient Ophir-Extensive ruins at Zambaoe-Adventure with Lions-First Discoveries of Gold-Position of the Gold Fields -- CHAPTER X. THE PRODtfCE OF THE LYDENBERG GOLD FIEDS, -- New Alluvial Gold Fields and the Finds -- CHAPTER XI. THE WORKING OF THE ~OLD FIELDS. -- Dawn of Prosperity-Produce of the Fields-Big Nuggets-Finds at "Macmac"-Large Finds-Prospecting- Waterfall Creek Rush -- CHAPTER XII. THE GATHERING OF MINING COMMUNITIES. -- General and Provisional Government-Mode of working-Establishment of Townships-Formation of Roads-Locality and season as affecting health-The Tsetse Fly-Routes and Distances-Mining Laws-Hints for Gold Diggers-Tests for Gold-Letters from Diggers-Conclusion -- Itinerary.
Thomas Baines was born in 1822 in King’s Lynn, Norfolk, where his father was a sea captain. Baines died of dysentery in Durban, South Africa, in 1875.