1. Actions and Habits: Psychological Issues in Dual Process Theory
Computations 2. Instrumental Divergence and Goal-Directed Choice 3. Temporal Dynamics of Goal-Directed Decision Making 4. Episodic Memory Influences on Goal-Directed Decision Making 5. Structure Learning 6. Simulation and Evaluation in Deliberative Decision Making 7. Competition and Cooperation between Multiple RL Systems
Neuroscience 8. Cortical Determinants of Goal-Directed Action 9. Distinct Functional Microcircuits in the Nucleus Accumbens Underlying Goal-Directed Decision Making 10. Striatal Cholinergic Interneurons and Goal-Directed Learning 11. Dopaminergic Prediction Errors and the Acquisition of Model-Based Behavior 12. The Role of the Orbitofrontal Cortex in Reinforcement Learning and Goal-Directed Decision Making
Applications 13. The Development of Goal-Directed Decision Making 14. Social Behavior 15. Goal-Directed Deficits in Psychosis 16. Goal-Directed Action in Disorders of Compulsivity 17. Drug Addiction: Augmented Habit Learning or Failure of Goal-Directed Control? 18. Alpha-Go
Open Questions 19. Realigning Models of Habitual and Goal-Directed Decision Making 20. Motivations of Action and Reward