ISBN-13: 9783662500187 / Angielski / Miękka / 2016 / 1148 str.
ISBN-13: 9783662500187 / Angielski / Miękka / 2016 / 1148 str.
Aus den Rezensionen:
"... In diesem umfassenden Werk bewerten 92 Autoren ... die Bedeutung von Sicherheit seit dem Ende des Kalten Kriegs. Außerdem geht die Veröffentlichung auf die Weiterentwicklung des Sicherheitsbegriffs von internationalen Organisationen wie der UN, der EU und der NATO ein und liefert Schlussfolgerungen für zukünftige Programme ..." (in: EU-Nachrichten Europäische Kommission Vertretung in Deutschland, 2008, Issue 9)
"Der in jeder Hinsicht massive Band ist das Ergebnis von zehn verschiedenen Panels auf der 5. Pan-European Conference on International Relations, die im September 2004 in Den Haag stattfand. Die Herausgeber verstehen ihn zu Recht als ein Kontinente und Disziplinen übergreifendes Handbuch des Sicherheitsdenkens zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts, wie es sich nach dem Ende des Kalten Krieges und vor dem Hintergrund der Effekte der Globalisierung heute darstellt. Das Thema Sicherheit wird ... aus theoretischer, philosophischer, ... religiöser und raumbezogener Sicht behandelt ..." (in: ZPol - Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, Juli 2008)
"... Im Rahmen eines umfassenden Kompendiums analysieren 92 Autoren aus fünf Kontinenten und unterschiedlichen Fachbereichen die vielfältigen Beziehungen zwischen Sicherheit, Frieden,Entwicklung und Umwelt. ... Abschließend werden alternative Umwelt- und Sicherheitsstrategien für das 21 jahrhundert dargestellt und auf ihre Zuverlässigkeit hin überprüft, um zukünftige Forschungen und Entscheidungsfindungsprozesse zu erleichtern. Allerdings ist dieses Kompendium nicht nur ein wertvoller Beitrag zum Thema Umweltsicherheit; insbesondere die spezifisch regionale Sichtweise auf viele Sachverhalte ... ermöglicht einen tiefgehenden Einblick in die Gesamtproblematik ..."(Jürgen Wilhelm, in: E+Z - Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit, 2008, Vol. 35, Issue 11, S. 422)
"Das hier vorzustellende Buch ist eine im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes gewichtige Veröffentlichung. ... Jeder Leser sollte Themen von Interesse in diesem Band finden, die zumeist von ausgewiesenen Autoren qualifiziert behandelt werden. ... Die systematische Darstellung der sicherheitspolitischen Herausforderungen ist ebenfalls verdienstvoll. Interessant ist auch die Aufarbeitung der sicherheitspolitischen Debatte seit 1990 ...(in: Vereinte Nationen, 2008, Vol. 56, Issue 6, S. 274 f.)
Introduction: Theoretical Contexts for Security Reconceptualizations since 1990.- Introduction: Globalization and Environmental Challenges: Reconceptualizing Security in the 21st Century.- Security as Attributes of Social Systems.- The Conceptual Quartet:Security, Peace, Development and Environment and its Dyadic Linkages.- Conceptual Quartet: Security and its Linkages with Peace, Development, and Environment.- Peace and Security: Two Evolving Concepts and Their Changing Relationship.- Peace and Environment: Towards a Sustainable Peace as Seen From the South.- Underdevelopment and Human Insecurity: Overcoming Systemic, Natural, and Policy Risk.- Emergent Sustainability: The Concept of Sustainable Development in a Complex World.- Development and Security: Genealogy and Typology of an Evolving International Policy Area.- Security and Environment Linkages Revisited.- Philosophical, Ethical and Religious Contexts for Conceptualizations of Security.- Oriental, European, and Indigenous Thinking on Peace in Latin America.- Security in Hinduism and Buddhism.- Security in Chinese, Korean, and Japanese Philosophy and Ethics.- Security in Confucian Thought: Case of Korea.- Security in Japanese History, Philosophy and Ethics: Impact on Contemporary Security Policy.- Thinking on Security in Hinduism: Contemporary Political Philosophy and Ethics in India.- Human Security in Jewish Philosophy and Ethics.- From Homer to Hobbes and Beyond — Aspects of’ security’ in the European Tradition.- Security Conceptualization in Arab Philosophy and Ethics and Muslim Perspectives.- Security in African Philosophy and Historical Ideas.- Security in Latin American Philosophy, Ethics, and History of Ideas.- The Brazilian View on the Conceptualization of Security: Philosophical, Ethical and Cultural Contexts and Issues.- Spatial Context and Referents of Security Concepts.- Securitization of Space and Referent Objects.- Structural Setting for Global Environmental Politics in a Hierarchic International System: A Geopolitical View.- Global Environmental Change and Human Security.- Globalization and Security: The US ‘Imperial Presidency’: Global Impacts in Iraq and Mexico.- Globalization from Below: Social Movements and Altermundism — Reconceptualizing Security from a Latin American Perspective.- Security Regionalism in Theory and Practice.- Identity-based Security Threats in a Globalized World: Focus on Islam.- Security and Sovereignty.- Subordinate, Subsumed and Subversive: Sub-national Actors as Referents of Security.- Non-state Based Terrorism and Security.- Agents of Insecurity in the Andes: Transregional Crime and Strategic Relations.- Re-conceptualizing Security Research with Individual Level Data.- Reconceptualization of Security in Scientific Disciplines since 1990.- Quest for International Security: Benefits of Justice versus the Trappings of Paranoia.- Security in International Law Since 1990.- Human Security from the Standpoint of an Economist.- The Concept of Security in International Relations.- Security in Peace Research and Security Studies.- Reconceptualizing Dimensions of Security (Debates since 1990).- Security: The State (of) Being Free From Danger?.- From a Security towards a Survival Dilemma.- The Changing Agenda of Military Security.- Political Security, an Uncertain Concept with Expanding Concerns.- Economic Security.- The Changing Agenda of Societal Security.- Environmental Security Deconstructed.- Institutional Security Concepts Revisited for the 21st Century.- Human Security and the UN Security Council.- Evolution of the United Nations Security Concept: Role of the High-Level Panel on Threats, Challenges, and Change.- Security, Development and UN Coordination.- Reconceptualization of Security in the CSCE and OSCE.- The Comprehensive Security Concept of the European Union.- Reconceptualization of External Security in the European Union since 1990.- Democracy and European Justice and Home Affairs Policies from the Cold War to September 11.- From a European Security Community to a Secure European Community Tracing the New Security Identity of the EU.- EU Policy Coherence on Security and Development A New Agenda for Research and Policy-making.- From Obsession to Oblivion: Reconceptualization of Security in NATO since 1990.- NATO’s Role in the Mediterranean and Broader Middle East Region.- German Action Plan: Civilian Crisis Prevention, Conflict Resolution and Peace Consolidation — A Reconceptualization of Security.- Interfaces between Development and Security: Converging the Role of Development Policy and Security Policy?.- Reconceptualizing Regional Security for the 21st Century.- European Security in the 21st Century: An Institutional Perspective.- Regionalization of Great Power Security — Near Abroad, Broader Middle East, and European Neighbourhood.- A Regional Security Perspective From and For the Arab World.- ECOWAS and Regional Security Challenges.- A Regional Security Perspective from and for the Horn of Africa.- Regional Security in Southern Africa Development Community: Perspectives on Security Challenges.- The Security Problematique in South Asia: Alternative Conceptualizations.- Security Debates in East Asia since the End of the Cold War.- China and the New International Security Agenda.- Security in the New Millennium: A Debate in the South Pacific on Peace and Security: Alternative Formulations in the Post Cold War Era.- Security on the American Continent: Challenges, Perceptions, and Concepts.- Towards an Ethical Framework for Security.- Reconceptualizing Security and Alternative Security Futures.- Prediction in Security Theory and Policy.- Climate Change and Security in the 21st Century.- Global Security: Learning from Possible Futures.- Role of Prediction in Sustainable Development and Disaster Management.- Summary and Conclusions.- Reconceptualizing Security in the 21st Century: Conclusions for Research and Policy-making.
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