The IGCP Project 216 "Global biological events in earth history".- Towards a more critical approach to bio-events.- Devonian events at the Ense area (Excursion to the Rheinisches Schiefer-gebirge).- Ecostratigraphic criteria for evaluating the magnitude, character and duration of bioevents.- Global bioevents and the question of periodicity.- Chemical and isotopic variations in the world ocean during Phanerozoic time.- The role of oceanographic factors in the generation of global bio-events.- Evolutionary changes in the Proterozoic.- Global biological events in the late Precambrian.- Precambrian-Cambrian boundary biotas and events.- The faunal extinction event near the Ordovician-Silurian boundary: a climatically induced crisis.- A big event of latest Ordovician in China.- Ordovician-Silurian boundary event in Bohemia (Prague Basin-Barrandian area).- Early Ordovician eustatic cycles and their bearing on punctuations in early nematophorid (planktic) graptolite evolution.- Global bio-events in the Ordovician?.- Significant geological events in the Paleozoic record of the Southern Alps (Austrian part).- Reflection of possible global Devonian events in the Barrandian area, C.S.S.R..- Ammonoid evolution before, during and after the "Kellwasser-event" — revien and preliminary new results.- Frasnian mass extinction — a single catastrophic event or cumulative?.- Evolution of the last Tropidocoryphinae (Trilobita) during the Frasnian.- Middle to Upper Devonian boundary beds of the Holy Cross Mts: Brachiopod responses to eustatic events.- The Kellwasser event in Moravia.- Geochemical analyses of the Late Devonian “Kellwasser Event” stratigraphic horizon at Steinbruch Schmidt (F.R.G.).- Upper Frasnian and Lower Tournaisian events and evolution of calcareous foraminifera — close links to climatic changes.- Miospore correlation between North American, German and Uralian (Udmurtia) deep facies through Appalachian, Irish and Belgian platform and continental facies near the Devonian/Carboniferous boundary.- Permian fusulinacean faunas of Thailand — event controlled evolution.- Triassic Bryozoa and the evolutionary crisis of Paleozoic Stenolaemata.- Biological events in the evolution of Mesozoic ostracoda.- Effects and causes in a black shale event — the Toarcian Posidonia Shale of NW Germany.- High-resolution event stratigraphy: regional and global Cretaceous Bio-events.- Trace metal accumulation in black shales from the Cenomanian/Turonian Boundary Event.- The Cenomanian-Turonian boundary event: sedimentary, faunal and geochemical criteria developed from stratigraphic studies in NW-Germany.- Upper Cretaceous Event-Stratigraphy in Europe.- The Deccan Trapps (India) and Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary events.- Palaeofloristic and palaeoclimatic changes in the Cretaceous and Tertiary periods (Facts, problems and tasks).- Two examples of evolution controlled by large scale abiotic processes: Eocene nummulitids of the South-Pyrenean Basin and Cretaceous Charophyta of Western Europe.- The diachronous C/T plankton extinction in the Danish Basin.- Some biostratigraphic and paleogeo-graphic observations on the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary in the Haymana Polatli Region (Central Turkey).- Macro-invertebrates and the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary.- Bio-events in the continental realm during the Cretaceous/Tertiary transition: a multidisciplinary approach.- Global Tertiary climatic changes, paleophytogeography and phytostratigraphy.- Reflections upon the changes of local Tertiary herpetofaunas to global events.