Are you looking for a way to truly connect with your team and help them achieve their highest potential? Look no further than Glad We Met. In this book, Dr. Rogelberg offers a unique perspective on how stewardship of time and talent through effective one-on-ones nurture professional growth and lead to meeting high and hard-to-achieve goals.
Dr. Steven G. Rogelberg, an organizational psychologist, holds the title of Chancellor's Professor at UNC Charlotte for distinguished national, international, and interdisciplinary contributions. He is an award-winning teacher and recipient of the very prestigious Humboldt Award for his research on meetings. His last book, The Surprising Science of Meetings: How You Can Lead Your Team to Peak Performance (Oxford) was recognized by the Washington Post as the "#1 Leadership Book to Watch for". He and the book were also featured on CBS This Morning, Freakonomics, HBR, NPR, WSJ, and BBC World to name a few. Adam Grant has called Steven the "world's leading expert on how to fix meetings". He was the inaugural winner of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) Humanitarian Award and just finished his term as President of SIOP, the largest professional organization in the world for I-O psychology.