Introduction 1Part 1: Getting Started with 5Chapter 1: Understanding the Git in GitHub 7Chapter 2: Setting Up Your Collaborative Coding Environment 25Part 2: Starting Your First Solo Project 35Chapter 3: Introducing GitHub Repositories 37Chapter 4: Setting Up a GitHub Website Repo 57Chapter 5: Creating a Website with GitHub Pages 73Part 3: Contributing to Your First Project 91Chapter 6: Forking GitHub Repositories 93Chapter 7: Writing and Committing Code 109Chapter 8: Working with Pull Requests 129Part 4: Managing and Contributing to Large Projects 149Chapter 9: Exploring and Contributing to OSS 151Chapter 10: Starting Your Own OSS 165Chapter 11: Inner-Source Your Code on GitHub 185Part 5: Making GitHub Work for You 203Chapter 12: Collaborating Outside of GitHub 205Chapter 13: GitHub Workflow Integrations 219Chapter 14: Personalizing GitHub 233Part 6: The GitHub Ecosystem 247Chapter 15: Exploring the GitHub Marketplace 249Chapter 16: GitHub and You 259Chapter 17: Attending Events 267Part 7: The Part of Tens 277Chapter 18: Ten Ways to Level Up on GitHub 279Chapter 19: Ten Ways to Improve Your Development Workflow 291Chapter 20: Ten Tips for Being an Effective Community Member 299Index 307
Sarah Guthals, PhD is the Director of Developer Relations for Sentry, and previously worked at GitHub as an Engineering Manager. She is coauthor of Helping Kids with Coding For Dummies.