Chapter 1 Hermes Trismegistus; Chapter 2 Ficino's Pimander and the Asclepius; Chapter 3 Hermes Trismegistus and Magic; Chapter 4 Ficino's Natural Magic1Ficino's magic has been admirably discussed by D. P. Walker in his book on Spiritual and Demonic Magic from Ficino to Campanella to which I am greatly indebted in this chapter. I am also indebted to E. Garin's essay, “Le ‘Elezioni’ e il problema dell'astrologia” in Umanesimo e esoterismo, ed. E. Castelli, Archivio di Filosofia, Padua, 1960, pp. 7 ff.; Chapter 5 Pico Della Mirandola and Cabalist Magic; Chapter 6 Pseudo-Dionysius and the Theology of a Christian Magus; Chapter 7 Cornelius Agrippa's Survey of Renaissance Magic; Chapter 8 Renaissance Magic and Science; Chapter 9 Against Magic (1) Theological Objections (2) The Humanist Tradition; Chapter 10 Religious Hermetism in the Sixteenth Century; Chapter 11 Giordano Bruno: First Visit to Paris; Chapter 12 Giordano Bruno in England: The Hermetic Reform; Chapter 13 Giordano Bruno in England: The Hermetic Philosophy; Chapter 14 Giordano Bruno and the Cabala; Chapter 15 Giordano Bruno: Heroic Enthusiast and Elizabethan; Chapter 16 Giordano Bruno: Second Visit to Paris; Chapter 17 Giordano Bruno in Germany; Chapter 18 Giordano Bruno: Last Published Work; Chapter 19 Giordano Bruno: Return To Italy; Chapter 20 Giordano Bruno and Tommaso Campanella; Chapter 21 After Hermes Trismegistus was Dated; Chapter 22 Hermes Trismegistus and the Fludd Controversies;