Valuations and real places in the theory of formally real fields.- An introduction to Nash functions.- Real valuation rings and ideals.- Variantes du Nullstellensatz réel et anneaux formellement réels.- Ensembles semi-algebriques.- The real holomorphy ring and sums of 2n-th powers.- On certain topological spaces admitting strongly coherent real algebraic structure.- Remarks and counterexamples in the theory of real algebraic vector bundles and cycles.- Topology of real analytic sets — Some open problems.- The divisor class groups of some rings of global real analytic, Nash or rational regular functions.- Real spectra and distributions of signatures.- Transversal zeros and positive semidefinite forms.- Zur Theorie der semialgebraischen Wege und Intervalle über einem reell abgeschlossenen Körper.- Subordinate structure sheaves.- The extension theorem for Nash functions.- Separation des composantes connexes reelles dans le cas des varietes projectives.- On real one-dimensional cycles.- Sur l’homologie des surfaces algèbriques réelles.- Etude des coupures dans les groupes et corps ordonnes.- Faisceau structural sur le spectre réel et fonctions de Nash.- Real holomorphy rings in real algebraic geometry.- A bound on the order of H n?1 (a) (X, ZZ / 2) on a real algebraic variety.- Le probleme d’algebrisation des polyedres est local.