The problem.-The human EEG: General aspects.-Genetic studies: Twin studies.-Family studies on the normal EEG.-Event-related (evoked) EEG potentials.-The normal human EEG as a research tool in human behaviour.-EEG variation in psychologicalls borderline conditions such as alcoholism, anxiety disorders, and certain neurotic states, psychiatry disorders.-The EEG in hereditary anomalies and diseases.-
Friedrich Vogel studierte Rechtswissenschaft und Betriebswirtschaftslehre an den Universitäten in München, Bonn und Köln (Diplom Kaufmann). 1966 Promotion zum Dr. rer. pol.; 1974 Habilitation, venia legendi für "Statistik"; Ernennung zum Privatdozenten für Statistik an der Universität zu Köln; 1975 Ernennung zum Professor für Statistik an der Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel; 1978 Ernennung zum ordentlichen Professor für Statistik an derOtto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg. Emeritierung im März 2006. Zahlreiche Veröffentlichungen zu verschiedenen Gebieten der Statistik, insbesondere zur Numerischen Klassifikation, zu deskriptiven und induktiven Methoden, zur Verarbeitung nominaler und ordinaler Merkmale sowie zu Messung von Zusammenhängen nicht-metrischer Merkmale.
This book describes genetic studies of normal EEG findings, mainly twin studies and family studies. Among the family studies, EEG variants having a single mendelian mode of inheritance are emphasized, the available data are described critically and in detail. Morevover, psychological studies on carriers of these EEG variants are described and discussed critically. The significance of an EEG for psychological anomalies such as psychoses, psycho- and sociopathies, and alcohol addiction is considered. Features of a "normal" EEG that point to a higher susceptibility for epilepsy are mentioned. Genetic aspects of event-related (evoked) potentials are also described. There are many EEG curves as well as other graphics. This is the first monograph on this topic, and combines two fields of expertise - human genetics and clinical neurophysiology - that are normally strictly separated.