Introduction: Serial Genders, Gendered Serialities; Serial TV Criticism and Girls; Chapter 1: The Thinkpiece Seriality of Girls; Chapter 2: Carousel: Gendering through Controversy; Chapter 3: Navigating Discourses of Universality and Specificity: 'The (Feminist) Voice of a Generation?'; Television Audience Engagement and How to Get Away with Murder; Chapter 4: The Looped Seriality of How to Get Away with Murder; Chapter 5: Outward Spiral: Gendering through Recognisability; Chapter 6: Evoking Discourses of Progressivism, Social Activism, and Identity Politics: 'Such an Important Episode!'; Television Authorship and The Walking Dead; Chapter 7: The Paratext Seriality of The Walking Dead; Chapter 8: Palimpsest: Gendering through Accountability; Chapter 9: Neoliberalising Discourses of Serialised Survivalism: 'You make it … until you don't'; Conclusion: Archiving Snapshots