'… an ideal introduction for anyone with a minimal background in astrophysics who wishes to enter the field of large-scale structure formation. … a comprehensive review of relevant topics …' Physics Today
1. Introduction; 2. Observational facts; 3. Cosmological background; 4. Cosmological perturbations; 5. Gravitational collapse and collisionless dynamics; 6. Probing the cosmic density field; 7. Formation and structure of dark matter halos; 8. Formation and evolution of gaseous halos; 9. Star formation in galaxies; 10. Stellar populations and chemical evolution; 11. Disk galaxies; 12. Galaxy interactions and transformations; 13. Elliptical galaxies; 14. Active galaxies; 15. Statistical properties of the galaxy population; 16. The intergalactic medium; Appendices; References; Index.