1. Generating recombinant peptide ligands for GPCRs and their single step purification 2. Ca2+ release assay to study downstream pathways of GPCR signal transduction 3. Expression and purification of GPCR interacting protein, arrestin 4. Isolation and characterization of chemosensory GPCRs from exosomes 5. Characterization of chemosensory bitter taste receptor signalling 6. Reporter gene assays for investigating GPCR signaling 7. Measuring binding affinity of regulatory motifs (peptides) to purified G proteins 8. Measuring nucleotide exchange on purified G proteins 9. Qualitative and quantitative measurement of GPCR-G protein activity in living cells 10. Computational approaches to study GPCR activation 11. Visualization and quantification of GPCR trafficking in mammalian cells by confocal microscopy 12. Computational studies of ßarrestin activation 13. Measuring G protein coupling using Glosensor assay 14. Computational investigations into GPCR dimerization 15. cAMP Assays in GPCR Drug Discovery 16. Assays of adrenal GPCR signaling and regulation: Measuring adrenal beta-arrestin activity in vivo through plasma membrane recruitment