Preface. Part I: Basic Concepts. 1. The Relational Data Model. 2. Conceptual Modeling with the Entity-Relationship Model. 3. Fuzzy Logic. Part II: Fuzzy Conceptual Modeling. 4. Fuzzy ER Concepts. 5. Fuzzy EER Concepts. Part III: Representation of Fuzzy Data and Constraints. 6. Fuzzy Data Representation. 7. Fuzzy Functional Dependencies (FFDs) as Integrity Constraints. 8. A FFD Inference System. Part IV: Fuzzy Database Design and Information Maintenance. 9. Scheme Decomposition and Information Maintenance. 10. Design of Fuzzy Databases to Avoid Update Anomalies. Bibliography. Appendix. A: List of Examples. B: List of Definitions. C: List of Theorems. D: List of Lemmas. E: List of Algorithms. Index.