Online Content xiAcknowledgments xiiiIntroduction to the 8th Edition xvAbout the Authors xviiPart One Nonprofits and the Money They Raise 11 The Size and Scope of the Nonprofit Sector 32 Creating a Fundraising Philosophy 173 Be Clear About What the Money Will Do 214 What You Have to Understand to Begin Fundraising 315 The Importance of a Good Board of Directors 37Part Two Ask Them, Thank Them, Ask Them Again 536 Financial Needs and Fundraising Strategies 557 The Very Human Need for Appreciation 678 Getting Comfortable with Asking 779 Ask Real Prospects 8710 How to Ask 9711 Strengthening Relationships by Creating Categories of Donors 107Part Three Strategies for Acquisition and Retention 11312 Multichannel Fundraising 11513 What Successful Mass Appeals Have in Common 12114 Direct Mail 13115 Online Fundraising 15316 Phone Banking 16917 Special Events 18118 Establishing Voluntary Fees for Service 19919 Door-to-Door and Street Canvassing 20520 Opportunistic Fundraising 215Part Four Inviting Current Donors to Make Bigger Gifts 22121 Building Major Donor Programs 22322 Setting Up and Maintaining Recurring Donor Programs 23723 Legacy Giving 24524 Setting Up an Endowment 259Part Five Using Campaigns to Raise Large Amounts of Money 26925 What All Large Campaigns Have in Common 27126 Raising Money for Capital 27927 Endowment Campaigns 29128 Conducting Feasibility Studies 297Part Six Budgeting and Planning 30129 Developing a Budget 30330 Creating a Fundraising Plan 31531 What to Do in Case of Financial Trouble 32132 The Perennial Question of Clean and Dirty Money 327Part Seven Fundraising Management 33133 Infrastructure for Fundraising 33334 Hiring a Development Director 34135 Using a Consultant, Coach, Mentor, or Trainer 35136 Dealing with Anxiety 361Part Eight You the Fundraiser 36537 Know What You Need to Know 36938 Working with Your Executive Director 37739 Working with Volunteers 38340 When You Encounter Ethical Dilemmas 391Part Nine Special Circumstances 39741 Raising Money in Rural Communities 39942 Fundraising for a Coalition 41143 When No One Is Paid 41744 When You Are Just Starting Out 425Part Ten The Power of Individual Donors in Two Social Movements 42945 Fundraising for LGBTQ+ Equality and Justice 43146 Building Political Power for Immigrants' Rights 447Index 459
ABOUT THE AUTHORSKIM KLEIN is a founding partner at Klein and Roth Consulting. She is a prolific writer and internationally known as a trainer and consultant. Kim believes that the role of nonprofits is to promote the common good: ensuring that the social systems, institutions, and environments upon which we all depend work to benefit all living beings and the earth itself.STAN YOGI is a Senior Consultant with Klein and Roth Consulting. He has more than 30 years of experience with nonprofit organizations in fundraising and grantmaking. Stan has been an activist and fundraiser in Asian American and LGBTQ+ social justice movements.