Chapter 1: Funding, power and community development: an introduction, Fergal Finnegan and Niamh McCrea
PART 1: New configurations of power and governance
Chapter 2: Critical issues in philanthropy: power, paradox, possibility and the private foundation, Erica Kohl-Arenas
Chapter 3: ‘Walking the tightrope’: the funding of South African NGOs and the governance of community development, Natascha Mueller-Hirth
Chapter 4: The reinvention of ‘civil society’: transnational conceptions of development in East-Central Europe, Agnes Gagyi and Mariya Ivancheva
Chapter 5: Social finance and community development: exploring egalitarian possibilities, Brendan Murtagh and Niamh Goggin
Chapter 6: Corporate funding and local community development: a case from the mining industry in Australia, Robyn Mayes
PART 2: Questions of state and grassroots democracy
Chapter 7: Funding community organising: diversifying sources, democratising civil society, Robert Fisher and Hélène Balazard
Chapter 8: ‘It is time to re-territorialise utopian thinking’: community, the commons and the funding of autonomous movements in Latin America - An interview with Marcelo Lopes de Souza
PART 3: Modes of agency and horizons of possibility
Chapter 9: Keeping the show on the road: a reflective dialogue between a community worker and a funder, Lin Bender and Japhet Makongo
Chapter 10: Local philanthropy and women’s empowerment: the case of Tewa, the Nepal Women’s Fund, Rita Thapa
Chapter 11: Communities of hope? Gendered re-signification of microcredit in rural India, Debarati Sen and Sarasij Majumder
Chapter 12: Building alternative communities within the state: the Kurdish movement, local municipalities and democratic autonomy, Ulrike Flader and Çetin Gürer