1. Introduction 2. Review of hydrodynamic theory 3. Tidal energy 4. Offshore wind 5. Wave energy 6. Other forms of ocean energy 7. In Situ and remote methods for resource characterization 8. Ocean modeling for resource characterization 9. Optimization 10. Other aspects of ocean renewable energy
Simon Neill is a Reader in Physical Oceanography at the School of Ocean Sciences, Bangor University (UK), and is founder and course director of an MSc in Marine Renewable Energy. He was awarded a BEng in Civil Engineering from the University of Dundee (1997), and a PhD in estuarine physics from the University of Strathclyde (2002). He has published around 70 peer-reviewed journal articles, half of which are on the topic of marine renewable energy. He is involved in many national and international projects, and is a committee member of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), working on revising IEC Technical Specification 62600-201: Tidal Energy Resource Assessment and Characterization.
M. Reza Hashemi is an assistant professor, in the Department of Ocean Engineering and Graduate School of Oceanography at the University of Rhode Island, USA. The University of Rhode Island is the birthplace of the first offshore wind farm in the US: the Block Island Offshore Wind Farm, and has several centres for teaching/ research regarding renewable energy. Hashemi has published over 35 peer-reviewed journal articles, mainly focused on ocean renewable energy and coastal engineering. He has developed and taught several undergraduate and graduate courses about renewable energy, and one of the motivations for this book was to provide a textbook for these courses.