1. EAM in a Nutshell.- 2. Enterprise Architecture in a Nutshell.- 3. Strategic and Tactical Context of EAM.- 4. EAM Implementation.- 5. EAM Evaluation.
Jörg Ziemann has been Senior Enterprise Architect with Lufthansa since 2018, responsible also for the fields of Internet of Things, Data Analytics and EAM Strategy of the Lufthansa group. Prior to his current position, he worked for eight years as a senior enterprise architect and project lead in the finance industry, being responsible for various enterprise digitalization areas, including business process digitalization, business service integration and identity and access management. He had begun his career as a researcher and international project manager at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI). Working on various European research projects for six years, he had specialized on the topic of cross-enterprise business process digitalization there.
Since 2016 he is a lecturer for “Enterprise Digitalization and Enterprise Architecture Management” at the University of Hannover. He was a reviewer for several conferences and journals as well as for IT research projects for European Agencies. He has published more than 40 scientific and industrial articles and is an experienced international conference speaker.
This textbook provides a comprehensive, holistic, scientifically precise, and practically relevant description of Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM). Based on state-of-the-art concepts, it also addresses current trends like disruptive digitization or agile methods.
The book is structured in five chapters. The first chapter offers a comprehensive overview of EAM. It addresses questions like: what does EAM mean, what is the history of EAM, why do enterprises need EAM, what are its goals, and how is it related to digitalization? It also includes a short overview of essential EAM standards and literature. The second chapter provides an overview of Enterprise Architecture (EA). It starts with clarifying basic terminology and the difference between EA and EAM. It also gives a short summary of existing EA frameworks and methods for structuring the digital ecosystem into layers and views. The third chapter addresses the strategic and tactical context of the EAM capability in an enterprise. It defines essential terms and parameters in the context of enterprise strategy and tactics as well as the operative, organizational context of EAM. The fourth chapter specifies the detailed goals, processes, functions, artifacts, roles and tools of EAM, building the basis for an EAM process framework that provides a comprehensive overview of EAM processes and functions. Closing the circle, the last chapter describes how to evaluate EAM in an enterprise. It starts by laying out core terminology, like “metric” and “strategic performance measurement system” and ends with a framework that integrates the various measuring areas in the context of EA and EAM.
This textbook focuses on two groups: First, EAM scholars, ie bachelor or master students of Business Information Systems, Business Administration or Computer Science. And second, EAM practitioners working in the field of IT strategy or EA who need a reliable, scientifically solid, and practically proven state-of-the-art description of essential EAM methods.