Obituary of J. D. Eshelby; Publications of J. D. Eshelby; Introductory lecture B. A. Bilby; 1. Conserved integrals and energetic forces J. R. Rice; 2. Symmetry groups and path-independent integrals P. J. Oliver; 3. Conservation laws, the material momentum tensor and moments of elastic energy A. G. Hermann; 4. General theory of inclusions T. Mura; 5. The analysis of the overall elastic properties of composite materials L. J. Walpole; 6. Theoretical aspects of reinforcement and toughening L. R. F. Rose; 7. The loss of stiffness of cracked laminates N. Laws and G. J. Dvorak; 8. Mean field theory and the Bauschinger effect in composites O. B. Pedersen; 9. Elastic interaction and elastoplastic deformation of inhomogeneities J. K. Lee and W. C. Johnson; 10. The mechanics of dynamic crack growth in solids L. B. Freund; 11. Dislocation damping and phonon scattering A. V. Granato; 12. Invariant integrals for some time dependent crack and heat conduction problems C. Atkinson; 13. Plastic deformations near a rapidly propagating crack tip J. D. Achenbah and Z. L. Li; 14. What happens at fast crack growth? K. B. Broberg; 15. Creep crack growth in ductile alloys A. S. Argon, C. W. Lau, B. Ozmat and D. M. Parks; 16. Strength contributions during creep of composite materials H. Lilholt; 17. Suppression of grain boundary sliding by second phase particles T. Mori; 18. A continuum damage approach to creep crack growth H. Riedel; 19. Thermal expansion of polycrystalline aggregates Z. Hashin; 20. The roles of dislocation motion and vacancy fluxes in creep G. W. Greenwood; 21. Dislocations in semiconductors P. B. Hirsch; 22. Dislocations in ionic crystals P. L. Pratt; 23. Image stress and the Bauschinger effect in dispersion-hardened alloys L. M. Brown; 24. Geometry and behaviour of prismatic dislocation loops and stacking fault tetrahedra B. L. Eyre; 25. Direct observations of anisotropic and surface effects on dislocations P. M. Hazzledine; 26. Dislocations in anisotropic elastic media D. J. Bacon; 27. A dislocation method for solving 3-D crack and inclusion problems in linear elastic solids G. K. Wong and D. M. Barnett; 28. Interactions of point defects and dislocations R. Bullough and J. R. Willis; 29. Material forces and configurational forces in the interaction of elastic singularities F. R. N. Nabarro; 30. Material balance laws in one-dimensional strength-of-materials theories G. Hermann; 31. On the elastic T-term G. E. Cardew, M. R. Goldthorpe, I. C. Howard and A. P. Kfouri; 32. Initiation and growth rates of short fatigue cracks K. J. Miller; 33. Role of internal stresses in the nucleation of fatigue cracks L. M. Brown and S. L. Ogin; 34. Environmental effects novel to the propagation of short fatigue cracks R. P. Gangloff and R. O. Ritchie; 35. Experimental mechanics of fatigue crack growth: the effect of crack size D. L. Davidson and J. Lankford; 36. Cyclic deformation: the two phase model A. T. Winter; 37. Surface geometry in fatigued copper crystals Z. S. Basinski and S. J. Basinski; Papers Not Presented Orally: 38. Similarity methods in fracture G. I. Barenblatt and L. R. Botvina; 39. A path-independent integral for mixed modes of fracture in linear thermoelasticity H. D. Bui; 40. Plasticity and creep mechanics from the viewpoint of the theory of elasticity G. P. Chrepanov; Poster Session: 41. Cyclic deformation of molybdenum crystals at 400 K J. A. Planell and F. Guiu; 42. Experiments in Cosserat mechanics R. S. Lakes; 43. Short crack fatigue behaviour in medium carbon steel E. R. De Los Rios, Z. Tang and K. J. Miller; 44. Slip and cleavage from blunted cracks J. E. Sinclair; Author Index.