'This is a massive, definitive text on phenomenological supersymmetry in quantum field theory by three giants of the field. The book develops two-component spinor formalism and its practical use in amplitude computations with many phenomenological examples up to one loop order. Supersymmetric extensions of the Standard Model are also covered and many other gems besides.' Ben Allanach, University of Cambridge
Preface; Acknowledgements; Acronyms and abbreviations; Part I. Spin-1/2 Fermions in Quantum Field Theory, the Standard Model, and Beyond: 1. Two-component formalism for spin-1/2 fermions; 2. Feynman rules for spin-1/2 fermions; 3. From two-component to four-component spinors; 4. Gauge theories and the standard model; 5. Anomalies; 6. Extending the standard model; Part II. Constructing Supersymmetric Theories: 7. Introduction to supersymmetry; 8. Supersymmetric Lagrangians; 9. The supersymmetric algebra; 10. Superfields; 11. Radiative corrections in supersymmetry; 12. Spontaneous supersymmetry breaking; Part III. Realistic Supersymmetric Models: 13. The Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model; 14. Realizations of supersymmetry breaking; 15. Supersymmetric phenomenology; 16. Beyond the MSSM; Part IV. Sample Calculations in the Standard Model and Its Supersymmetric Extension: 17. Practical calculations involving two-component fermions; 18. Tree-level supersymmetric processes; 19. One-loop calculations; Part V. The Appendices: Appendix A. Notations and conventions; Appendix B. Compendium of sigma matrix and Fierz identities; Appendix C. Behavior of fermion bilinears under C, P, T; Appendix D. Kinematics and phase space; Appendix E. The spin-1/2 and spin-1 wave functions; Appendix F. The spinor helicity method; Appendix G. Matrix decompositions for fermion mass diagonalization; Appendix H. Lie group and algebra techniques for gauge theories; Appendix I. Interaction vertices of the SM and its seesaw extension; Appendix J. MSSM and RPV fermion interaction vertices; Appendix K. Integrals arising in one-loop calculations; Bibliography; References; Index.