Acknowledgments ixAbout the Authors xiForeword xvPreface xviiChapter 1: From Equity Talk to Equity Walk 1Chapter 2: Building an Equity-Minded Campus Culture 19Chapter 3: Using and Communicating Data as a Tool to Advance Equity 53Chapter 4: Aligning Strategic Priorities and Building Institutional Capacity 79Chapter 5: Building Capacity for Equity-Mindedness among First-Generation Equity Practitioners 101References 119Index 125
TIA BROWN MCNAIR is Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Student Success and Executive Director for the Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation (TRHT) Campus Centers at AAC&U. McNair directs several national initiatives on equity and student success and leads AAC&U's Summer Institutes on TRHT Campus Centers and High-Impact Practices and Student Success.ESTELA MARA BENSIMON is Dean's Professor in Educational Equity at the USC Rossier School of Education. She is founder and Director of the Center for Urban Education and is the creator of the Equity Scorecard.LINDSEY MALCOM-PIQUEUX leads the Office of Institutional Research at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) and is a Senior Scholar Affiliate of the Center for Urban Education. Her scholarly research focuses on understanding the institutional conditions that advance racial and gender equity in STEM fields.