The road to communism 1820-1844 - Marx and Engels, Barmen, 1821-38, Bremen, 1838-41, Berlin, 1841-2, London and Manchester, 1842-4, Paris, 1844; the condition of the working class in England in 1844 - the genesis of Engels's book, Engels on the English workers, Engels's book in Germany, Engels's book in England, the significance of Engels's book; the young revolutionary 1845-50 - the German ideology, 1845-7, the communist correspondence committee, 1846-8, the principles of communism and the communist manifesto, 1847-8, revolution and reaction, 1848-9, exile in London, 1849-50; the Manchester years 1850-1870 - the years of storm and stress, 1850-60, the cotton lord, 1860-70; friends in exile - Wilhelm Wolff, Georg Weerth, Carl Schorlemmer, Eduard Gumpert, Carl Siebel, English friends - Julian Harney, James Leach, Ernest Jones, Edward Jones, Samuel Moore, the philistines -Louis Borchardt, John Watts.