'Susan Sugarman is puzzled by Freud's claim that dreams must provide a wish fulfillment in order to materialize. This takes her to a fascinating voyage in Freud's Interpretation of Dreams in the course of which she arrives with unexpected yet exacting truths. When a great Freud scholar like Sugarman probes into the most famous of Freud's books, you can be certain that you will be rewarded with a masterpiece in psychoanalytic scholarship and a new way of thinking about Freud's theory.' Aner Govrin, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Introduction; Part I. The Interpretation of Dreams (1900): A note on Freud's text; 1. The interpretation of dreams chapters 1-4: background, method, and the hypothesis of wish-fulfillment; 2. The interpretation of dreams chapters 5-6: if dreams fulfill wishes with what material, and how might they form?; 3. The interpretation of dreams chapter 7: the psychology of dream processes; 4. The interpretation of dreams: a preliminary appraisal; Part II. Freud's Other Works; 5. The analysis of psychoneuroses: Elisabeth von R and the 'Wolf Man'; 6. Phenomena of ordinary waking life; 7. Speculative works; 8. Freud on dreams.