1. Ecology of aquatic hyphomycete spores: What do we know, where do we go from here? 2. Diversity of freshwater ascomycetes in the Western Ghats of India 3. Diversity of freshwater fungi in polar and alpine lakes 4. Fungal diversity in drinking water distribution systems 5. Phyllosphere of submerged plants: a reservoir of mycobiota 6. Fungal organisms: a check for harmful algal blooms 7. Mycoloop: role in shaping aquatic ecosystems 8. Biochemical and industrial potential of aquatic fungi 9. Bioprospecting, Biotransformation and bioremediation potential of fungi in freshwater ecosystems 10. Fungicide and pesticide fallout on aquatic fungi 11. HEAVY METAL ACCUMULATION POTENTIAL OF AQUATIC FUNGI 12. Diseases and Infections due to freshwater fungi 13. An insight into the study methods of aquatic fungi 14. Metagenomic insights into the fungal assemblages of freshwater ecosystems 15. Freshwater fungi in the Amazon as a potential source of antimicrobials 16. Fungi: the indicators of pollution