ISBN-13: 9780764324116 / Angielski / Miękka / 2006 / 248 str.
This new edition is a valuable aid when used in conjunction with eight important books that picture Frederick Carder's Steuben glass. The easy-to-use tabulated format cross references the line drawings of shapes found in Paul Gardner's classic book The Glass of Frederick Carder (reprinted by Schiffer Publishing), auction records from the last eleven years, and references to photographs in the eight books cited. This revised second edition features a greatly expanded photo section with over 100 new photos; drawings of over 60 new glass shapes found in the archives of the Rakow Research Library at the Corning Museum of Glass in Corning, New York; and a new chapter on Steuben candlesticks. It also expands the auction results from about 2,000 to over 8,500, and includes additional auction houses not covered in the first edition. Curators, historians, glass dealers, scholars, and collectors alike owe a round of applause to Marshall Ketchum for this precise, important, and now updated reference work; this book will make their jobs much easier.