Introduction to the Series Introduction- Aloïs Riegl: History's Deposition: Saul Ostrow The Quintessence of Riegl's Thought: Hans Sedlmayr Aloïs Riegl: Julius von Schlosser Reading Riegl's Kunst-Industrie: Richard Woodfield Space, Grace and Stylistic Conformity: Spätrömische Kunstindustrie , and Architecture: Andrew Ballantyne Problems of Style: Riegl's Problematic Foundations: Joaquín Lorda Aloïs Riegl: Volkskunst, Hausfleiss, und Hausindustrie: Stefan Muthesius The Vital Skin: Riegl, The Maori, and Loos: Joseph Masheck The Reception and First Criticism of Aloïs Riegl in the Czech Protection of Historical Monuments: Ivo Hlobil Riegl and the Family Portrait, or How to Deal with a Genre or Group of Art: Frauke Laarman I've Got You Under My Skin: Rembrandt, Riegl, and the Will of Art History: Benjamin Binstock Subjectivity and Modernism: Riegl and the Rediscovery of the Baroque: Matthew Rampley Works That Have Lasted. Walter Benjamin Reading Aloïs Riegl: Giles Peaker Commentary: Richard Woodfield Contributors