1. Introduction to International Relations - Stephen McGlincheyPART ONE: HISTORY AND THEORY
2. International Relations and the Global System - Stephen McGlinchey
3. Discovery, Conquest and Colonialism - Robbie Shilliam
4. Towards a Global International Relations - Sahil Mathur and Amitav Acharya
5. Levels of Analysis - Carmen Gebhard
6. Traditional and Middle Ground Theories - Stephen McGlinchey and Dana Gold
7. Critical Theories - Stephen McGlinchey, Rosie Walters and Dana GoldPART TWO: GLOBAL STRUCTURES
8. International Organisations - Shazelina Z. Abidin
9. Global Civil Society - Raffaele Marchetti
10. International Political Economy - Günter Walzenbach
11. International Law - Knut Traisbach
12. Religion and Culture - John A. Rees
13. Gender and Sexuality - Rosie WaltersPART THREE: GLOBAL ISSUES
14. International Security - Natalie Jester
15. Transnational Terrorism - Katherine E. Brown
16. Migration - Anitta Kynsilehto
17. Poverty and Wealth - James Arvanitakis and David J. Hornsby
18. Global Health - Mukesh Kapila
19. Environment and Climate - Raul Pacheco-Vega
20. Connectivity and Exploitation in the Digital Age - Clare Stevens and Andreas HaggmanREFLECTING ON INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS
21. Crossings and Candles - Peter Vale