ISBN-13: 9783709171714 / Angielski / Miękka / 2011 / 548 str.
ISBN-13: 9783709171714 / Angielski / Miękka / 2011 / 548 str.
— Table des matières.- Synthetische Chemie der Carotinoide.- I. Allgemeine Einleitung.- Nomenklatur-Vorschlag und Einteilung des Stoffes.- Zur Stereochemie der Carotinoide.- Die möglichen Stereoisomeren.- Spektrale Veränderungen durch trans ? cis-Isomerisierung.- „cis-peak“-Effekt.- II. Synthesen von C30- und C32-Kohlenwasserstoffen als Modellsynthesen.- III. Bis-nor-methyl-?-carotin und 7,7?-Dihydro-?-carotin.- Bis-nor-methyl-?-carotin.- 7, 7?-Dihydro-?-carotin.- IV. ?-Carotin-Synthesen.- ?-Carotin-Synthesen C16 + C8 + C16.- ?-Carotin-Synthese C19 + C2 + C19.- Stereoisomerisierung von 15, 15?-mono-cis-?-Carotin.- ?-Carotin-Synthese C18 + C4 + C18.- V. Lycopin und ?l-Carotin.- Lycopin.- ?l-Carotin.- VI. Synthesen von höheren Carotin-Homologen.- 16,16?-Homo-?-carotin.- Decapreno-?-carotin und Decapreno-?l-carotin.- Dodecapreno-?-carotin.- Synthesis and Properties of Vitamin A and Some Related Compounds.- I. Synthesis of Vitamin A.- 1. Via Esters of ?-Ionylideneacetic Acid.- Ethyl ?-Ionylideneacetate and its ?,?-Unsaturated Isomer.- ?-Ionylidene-ethanol.- C18 Ketone.- Vitamin A Acid ethyl ester and its ?,?-Unsaturated Isomer.- Vitamin A.- Isomer of Vitamin A.- Synthesis by Wendler, Slates, Trenner and Tishler.- ?-Ionylideneacetaldehyde.- 2. Synthesis of Vitamin A via Esters of ?-Ionylidenecrotonic Acid.- ?-Ionylidenecrotonic Acid.- C18 Ketone.- Vitamin A Aldehyde.- Vitamin A Acids.- Vitamin A.- Synthesis by Schwarzkopf, Cahn Mann, Lewis, Swidinsky and Wuest.- 3. Synthesis of Vitamin A via “C14-Aldehyde”.- C14-Aldehyde.- Allylic Rearrangement.- 4. Synthesis of Vitamin A by Other Methods.- II. Synthesis and Biological Activity of Some Compounds Related to Vitamin A.- Alcohols.- Esters and Ethers of Vitamin A.- Aldehydes.- Vitamin A2.- Hydrocarbons.- Vitamin A Acids.- Conclusions.- III. Relationship between Vitamin A and Carotenes.- References.- Les Antivitamines.- I. Les antagonistes des vitamines hydrosolubles.- 1° Les antagonistes de la thiamine.- a) Pyrithiamine.- b) Oxythiamine.- c) Homothiamine-glycol.- d) Antagonistes de la thiamine de nature enzymatique: thiaminases diverses.- e) Antithiamines des fougeres.- 2° Les antagonistes des flavines et de la vitamine B12.- 3° Les antagonistes de l’acide pantothénique.- 4° Les antagonistes de la pyridoxine.- a) Activité vitaminique B6.- b) Constitution chimique des antivitamines B6.- c) Désoxypyridoxine.- d) Méthoxypyridoxine.- e) Autres antivitamines B6.- 5° Les antagonistes de l’acide nicotinique.- 6° Les antagonistes de la biotine.- 7° Les antisulfamides.- 8° Les anti-acides foliques.- 9° L’activité antisulfamide et antisulfone de dérivés voisins de l’acide p-aminobenzoïque.- II. Les antagonistes des vitamines liposolubles.- 1° L’antivitamine A.- 2° Les antivitamines E.- 3° Les antivitamines K.- Bibliographie.- Recent Investigations on Ergot Alkaloids.- I. Historical Introduction.- II. The Structure of the Ergot Alkaloids.- 1. Introduction.- 2. The Structure of Lysergic Acid.- 3. Structure of the Peptide Portion.- III. The Individual Alkaloids of Ergot.- 1. Ergobasine and Ergobasinine.- 2. Ergotamine and Ergotaminine.- 3. Ergosine and Ergosinine.- 4. Alkaloids of the Ergotoxine Group.- 5. Ergocristine and Ergocristinine.- 6. Ergokryptine and Ergokryptinine.- 7. Ergocornine and Ergocorninine.- IV. Partially Synthetic and Hydrogenated Derivatives of Ergot Alkaloids.- 1. Partially Synthetic Derivatives of Lysergic Acid.- 2. The Dihydro Derivatives of the Natural Alkaloids of Ergot.- References.- Die Alkaloide der Menispermaceae-Pflanzen.- I. Einleitung.- II. Die in Menispermaceae aufgefundenen Alkaloide.- A. Durch Kondo und seine Mitarbeiter untersuchte Pflanzen.- B. Von nicht-japanischen Forschern untersuchte Pflanzen.- C. Pflanzen, in denen von Kondo und Mitarbeitern das Vorkommen von Alkaloiden festgelegt wurde.- D. In der Literatur als alkaloidhaltig angegebene Pflanzen.- E. Aus Rohmaterialien des chinesischen Drogenmarktes isolierte Alkaloide.- F. Nicht zu den Menispermaceae gehörende, Biscoclaurin-Basen enthaltende Pflanzen.- Berberidaceae 179. — Anonaceae 179. — Magnoliaceae 179. — Monimiaceae 179.- G. In Curare enthaltene Biscoclaurin-Alkaloide.- III. Klassifizierung der Menispermaceae-Alkaloide.- Systematik der Biscoclaurin-Basen.- Gruppe I. Basen mit einem Äthersauerstoff.- Gruppe IIa. Basen mit zwei Äthersauerstoffen (Tetrandrin-Typus).- Gruppe II b. Basen mit zwei Äthersauerstoffen (Isochondendrin-Typus).- Gruppe III a. Basen mit drei Äthersauerstoffen (Diphenylendioxyd-Typus).- Gruppe III b. Basen mit drei Äthersauerstoffen (Depsidan-Typus).- IV. Allgemeine Untersuchungsprinzipien der Biscoclaurin-Alkaloide.- 1. Permanganat-Oxydation des Alkaloides selbst oder seines Hoamennschen Abbauproduktes.- 2. Ozon-Spaltung von Methinbasen.- 3. Aufspaltung durch Natrium in flüssigem Ammoniak.- V. Spezieller Teil.- 1. Benzylisochinolin-Typus.- Coclaurin 186. — Iococlaurin 187. — Magnocurarin 187. — Salicifolinchlorid 188.- 2. Phenanthropyridin-Typus.- Sinomenin 188. — Disinomenin 188. — Tuduranin 189. — Stephanin 189. — Crebanin 189. — Phanostenin 190. — Dicentrin 190.- 3. Berberin-Typus.- Berberin 190. — Palmatin 190. — Columbamin 190. — Jatrorrhizin 190. — Sinactin 191.- 4. Benzochinolizin-Typus.- Rotundin 191.- 5. Biscoclaurin-Typus.- Gruppe I. Dauricin 192. — Magnolin 192. — Magnolamin 192. — Aztequin.- Gruppe IIa. Berbamin 193. — Isotetrandrin 194. — Tetrandrin 194. — Phaeanthin 195. — Cepharanthin 195. — Oxyacanthin 195. — Repandin 199. — Daphnandrin 198. — Daphnolin (Trilobamin) 198, -Aromolin 198. — Epistephanin 199. — Hypoepistephanin 199.- Gruppe IIb. Isochondodendrin 199. — Cycleanin 200. — Protocu ridin 200. — Neoprotocuridin 200. — Bebeerin 201. — Chondrofolin 202. — Tubocurarinchlorid 202. — Chondocurin 202.- Gruppe IIIa. Trilobin 203. — Isotrilobin 204. — Menisarin 204. — Normenisarin 204. — Micranthin 205.- Gruppe IIIb. Insularin 205.- 6. Strukturell ungeklärte Basen.- 7. Optische Isomerie der Biscoclaurin-Basen.- 8. Charakterisierung der Biscoclaurin-Basen.- VI. Biogenetische Betrachtungen über Biscoclaurin-Basen.- VII. Medizinische Anwendungen.- Naturally Occurring Coumarins.- I. General Structural Features.- II. The Chemistry of the Coumarin System.- Conversions and Degradation.- The Synthesis of Coumarins.- Theoretical Considerations.- III. Occurrence, Isolation and Determination.- IV. Some Biochemical Properties.- V. Simple Coumarins.- Coumarin 242. — Dihydro-coumarin 243. — Umbelliferone 243. Herniarin 243. — Aesculetin 244. — Scopoletin 245. — Fabiatrin 245.— Ayapin 245. — Citropten 245. — Daphnetin 246. — Fraxetin 247.— Fraxidin 248. — Isofraxidin 249. — Fraxinol 249. — Eugenin 249.— 5-Geranoxy-7-methoxycoumarin 249. — Suberosin 250. — Collinin 250. — Brayleyanin 250. — Umbelliprenin 251. — Toddalo-lactone 251. — Aculeatin 252. — Auraptene 252. — Ostruthin 253. — Osthenol 254. — Osthol 254. — Ammoresinol 256. — Dicoumarol 257.- VI. Furanocoumarins.- Psoralene 260. — Angelicin 261. — Bergapten 262. — Bergaptol 263. — Isobergapten 264. — Xanthotoxin 264. — Xanthotoxol 265. — Sphon-din 265. — Sphondylin 265. — Isopimpinellin 265. — Pimpinellin 266. — Isoimperatorin 266. — Oxypeucedanin 267. — Ostruthol 267. — Imperatorin 268. — Bergamottin 269. — Phellopterin 269. — Byak-angelicol 270. — Byakangelicin 270. — Ferulin 271. – Nodakenetin 272. — Marmesin 272. — Peucedanin 273. — Athamantin 275.- VII. Chromeno-?-pyrones.- Xanthyletin 277. — Seselin 278. — Xanthoxyletin 278. — Luvangetin 280. — Alloxanthoxyletin 282. — Braylin 281.- VIII. 3:4-Benzcoumarins.- 2?:3?-Dihydroxydibenz-?-pyrone 282. — 4: 6: 4?: 6?-Dihydroxydiphenic acid dilactone 282. — Ellagic acid 283. — 4: 4?-Dihydroxy-6:6?-dimeth-oxydiphenic acid dilactone 284.- References.- The Biosynthesis of Proteins and Peptides, including Isotopic Tracer Studies.- I. Introduction.- 1. The Theory of Endogenous and Exogenous Protein Metabolism.- 2. The Theory of Protein Metabolism as a Dynamic Steady State.- a) Indirect Evidence.- b) Direct Evidence.- c) Lability of Enzyme Proteins.- II. The Measurement of Protein Turnover.- III. Incorporation of Labeled Amino Acids in vivo.- 1. N15-labeled Amino Acids as Tracers.- 2. C14- and S35-labeled Amino Acids as Tracers.- a) In Normal Tissues.- b) In Tumors.- c) Influence of Hormones.- d) Incorporation of Foreign Amino Acids.- IV. Incorporation of Labeled Amino Acids in vitro.- 1. Incorporation of Carbon Dioxide into Amino Acids.- 2. Net Synthesis of Protein in vitro.- 3. Comparison of Incorporation of Amino Acids in vivo and in vitro.- 4. Amino Acid Incorporation in Different Cell Fractions.- 5. The Nucleus, Amino Acid Incorporation, and the Maintenance of the Amino Acid Pattern in Proteins.- 6. Nucleic Acids, Protein Synthesis and Amino Acid Incorporation into Proteins.- 7, Normal, Foetal and Tumor Tissue.- 8. Effect of Concentration of Labeled Amino Acid on its Rate of Incorporation.- 9. Does Incorporation of One Amino Acid Require the Presence of Others?.- a) Feeding Experiments.- b) In vivo Experiments with Single Labeled Amino Acids.- c) In vitro Experiments with Labeled Amino Acids.- V. The Biological Significance of the High Lability of the Proteins in the Cell.- VI. Mechanism of Peptide Bond Synthesis.- 1. Heats and Free Energies of Formation of Some Amino Acids and Peptides (Solids).- 2. Free Energies of Formation of Some Peptides in Aqueous Solution.- 3. The Effect of pH on the Free Energy Change in Peptide Formation.- 4. Peptide Synthesis by Proteases and Peptidases.- a) Classification of Enzymatic Peptide Syntheses According to the Sign and Magnitude of the Free Energy Change (—?F).- b) Peptide Syntheses where —?F is Positive and Large.- c) Peptide Syntheses where —?F is Small and the Peptide is Relatively Insoluble.- d) Plastein Formation.- e) Peptide Synthesis in an Exchange Reaction during Hydrolysis (Transamidation and Transpeptidation).- f) Peptide Synthesis from Amino Acid Esters.- 5. Glutamo- and Asparto-Transferases.- 6. Syntheses where —?F is Negative and Large, Coupled with High Energy Phosphate.- a) Synthesis of Glutamine.- b) Synthesis of Hippuric Acid.- c) Synthesis of p-Aminohippuric Acid.- d) Synthesis of Ornithuric Acids.- e) Synthesis of Glutathione.- VII. Mechanism of Amino Acid Incorporation into Proteins.- 1. Effect of Inhibitors.- 2. Amino Acid Incorporation and Phosphorylation.- 3. Heat-Stable Co-factors for Amino Acid Incorporation.- 4. Is Amino Acid Incorporation Synthesis of Protein de novo or an Exchange?.- 5. The Possibility of Peptides as intermediates in Protein Synthesis.- 6. The Linkage of Incorporated Amino Acids.- References.- The Enzymes of Nucleoside Metabolism.- I. The Preparation of Nucleosides.- II. The Enzymes of Nucleoside Metabolism.- 1. Purine Nucleoside Phosphorylase.- 2. Pyrimidine Nucleoside Phosphorylase.- 3. Trans-N-Glycosidase.- 4. Ribosidase.- 5. Phosphoribomutase.- 6. Degradation and Synthesis of Ribose-Phosphoric Esters.- 7. Nucleoside Deaminases.- III. Phospho-Ribosides.- 1. Preparation and Properties of Ribose-i-phosphate.- 2. Enzymatic Synthesis of Ribosides.- 3. Preparation and Properties of Deoxyribose-i-phosphate.- 4. Enzymatic Synthesis of Hypoxanthine Deoxyriboside.- IV. Trans-N-Glycosidic Reactions.- 1. Non-participation of Deoxyribose-i-Phosphate in Trans-N-glycosidic Reactions.- 2. Trans-N-Glycosidic Reactions in the Deoxyribose Nucleoside Series.- 3. Enzymatic Formation of New Deoxyribosides.- V. Phosphorylation of Nucleosides.- VI. Incorporation of Purines and Pyrimidines into Nucleic Acids.- In vivo Studies with Labelled Purines 391. — In vivo Studies with Labelled Pyrimidines 392. — In vitro Studies with Labelled Purines 393. — Studies on the Amphibian and Echinoderm Egg 394. — Studies on Micro-organisms 394.- References.- Nucleosides and Nucleotides as Growth Substances for Microorganisms.- I. Nucleosides and Nucleotides of Ribose.- 1. Coenzyme I, “Desamino-codehydrogenase I,” Coenzyme II and Nicotinamide Riboside.- 2. Purine-Nucleosides and Nucleotides.- a) Growth-promoting Activity.- b) Growth-inhibiting Activity and the Ability to Reverse Growth-inhibition.- 3. Nucleotides in the Nutrition of Lactobacillus gayonii.- 4. Pyrimidine-Nucleosides and Nucleotides.- a) Growth-promoting Activity.- b) Growth-inhibiting Activity.- 5. The Biosynthesis of Ribosides and Ribonucleotides.- A Comparison between Microorganisms and Higher Animals with Regard to Purine Precursors in Nucleic Acid Biosynthesis.- 6. Vitamin B12.- Microbiological Functions of Vitamin B12.- Different Forms of Vitamin B12.- II. Nucleosides and Nucleotides of Desoxyribose.- 1. The Biosynthesis of Desoxyribosides.- Considerations of the Mode of Formation of the Desoxyribosidic Linkage.- 2. The Growth-promoting Activity of Desoxyribosides and Desoxyribonucleotides.- a) The Specificity of Certain Desoxyribosides in Eliciting the Growth-response of Bacteria.- b) The Non-specificity of the Natural Desoxyribosides in Promoting the Growth of Certain Bacteria.- 3. The Relationship of the Desoxyribosides, Vitamin B12, Reducing Agents, and the “Citrovorum-Factor” in Supporting the Growth of Various Microorganisms.- Relationship between Certain Reducing Agents and Vitamin B12 Requirement.- The “Citrovorum Factor”.- References.- Some Current Concepts of the Chemical Nature of Antigens and Antibodies.- I. Introduction.- II. Antigens and Haptens.- 1. Antigens.- 2. Haptens.- III. Antibodies.- 1. Chemical Composition of Antibodies.- 2. Electrophoretic Properties of Antibodies.- 3. Shape and Size of Antibodies.- 4. Nature of Combining Sites.- 5. Purification of Antibodies.- IV. The Physical Nature of Antigen-Antibody Reactions.- 1. The Properties of Specific Precipitates.- a) Composition.- b) Formation and Specificity.- c) ‘Ageing’.- 2. Thermodynamic Properties of Antigen-Antibody Reactions.- a) The Free Energy and Heat Changes in Antigen-Antibody Reactions.- b) Differences in Free Energies of Combination.- 3. Nature of the Forces Involved.- 4. Mathematical Interpretations of the Precipitin Reaction.- 5. A Note on the Use of Polyvalent Haptens.- V. Conclusions.- References.- Namenverzeichnis. Index of Names. Index des Auteurs.- Sachverzeichnis. Index of Subjects. Index des Matieres.
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