"For whose benefit? provides insights on human evolution and evolutionary biology. After reading this book, the reader will acquire a vast and general information about evolution. The audience of this book includes general readers or students interested in biology, evolution and basics of cooperation. ... the book is an active evaluative discussion of the related ideas and concepts." (Farid Pazhoohi, Evolutionary Psychological Science, Vol. (04), 2018)
The Human Puzzle
The breakdown of self
Cooperation and life
Your physical self
Simple cells - prokaryotes 17
More complex cells – eukaryotes 18
Multi-cellularity 20
Mobile eco-systems 24
Your psychological self 27
A soulless existence 29
Majority rule 31
Surely there is something more? 31
Easily explicable cooperation and natural selection 35
Mutual gain 36
Natural selection 38
Proximate and ultimate explanations 41
Group selection 42
Behavioral genetics 43
Family 46
Warning calls 50
Eusociality – ants, wasps and bees 51
A challenge 54
Eusociality – termites and naked mole rats 57
Kin selection in humans 58
Friends 61
The prisoners’ dilemma 61
Examples from the animal world? 65
The social brain 69
Other possible genetic explanations of cooperation 71
We are not them: about our closest relatives 73
Reciprocity in humans 75
Humanity – the paragon of cooperation? 78
Games of cooperation 81
A huge mistake? 83
Cultural group selection 85
Nature or nurture 86
Cultural explanations for extreme cooperation 89
Language 95
The structure of human language 98
The evolution of language 99
The green beards of language 102
The second replicator 105
The last piece of the puzzle? – Cooperation over our heads 108<
A slow history 111
Cultural evolution 116
Cultural evolutionary explanations of cooperation 125
Networks 127
The software 130
Epilogue: The human super organism 133
Characteristics of synergistic cooperation 136 How to harness idea collectives 137
References 140
Notes 148
This book takes the reader on a journey, navigating the enigmatic aspects of cooperation; a journey that starts inside the body and continues via our thoughts to the human super-organism.
Cooperation is one of life’s fundamental principles. We are all made of parts – genes, cells, organs, neurons, but also of ideas, or ‘memes’. Our societies too are made of parts – us humans. Is all this cooperation fundamentally the same process?
From the smallest component parts of our bodies and minds to our complicated societies, everywhere cooperation is the organizing principle. Often this cooperation has emerged because the constituting parts have benefited from the interactions, but not seldom the cooperating units appear to lose on the interaction. How then to explain cooperation? How can we understand our intricate societies where we regularly provide small and large favors for people we are unrelated to, know, or even never expect to meet again? Where does the idea come from that it is right to risk one’s life for country, religion or freedom? The answers seem to reside in the two processes that have shaped humanity: biological and cultural evolution.