ISBN-13: 9781138214989 / Angielski / Miękka / 2017 / 234 str.
ISBN-13: 9781138214989 / Angielski / Miękka / 2017 / 234 str.
In recent years food studies scholarship has tended to focus on a number of increasingly abstract, largely unquestioned concepts, in particular with regard to how capital, markets and states organize and operate. This has led to a gulf between public policy and the realities of food as experienced by people in homes and on the streets. Through grounded case studies in seven Latin American countries, each of which seeks to explain development as it uniquely unfolds, this book explores how social change in food and agriculture is fundamentally experiential, contingent and unpredictable. In viewing development in food as a socio-political-material experience, the authors find new objects, (inter)subjectivities and associations. These reveal a multiplicity of processes, relationships, effects and affects largely absent in current academic literature. In their attention to the contingency and creativity found in households, neighbourhoods and social networks as well as at the borders of human/non-human experience, the book explores how people diversely meet their food demands while confronting today s most pressing agriculture and food concerns in the region."