Why citizens submit to the limits on personal freedoms that characterize collective life under conditions of authoritarianism is a puzzle that scholars of this regime type frequently confront. Anna Schwenck's concept of 'flexible authoritarianism' provides an answer. No political regime is completely authoritarian-rather, it usually provides its members with opportunities for autonomy as well as the imposing constraints. Deftly reasoned and engagingly written, her analysis contributes substantially to the study of authoritarian governments while providing a nuanced account of totalitarianism in action. As authoritarian governments flourish, Schwenck's work will no doubt stand as an essential source.
Anna Schwenck is a cultural sociologist studying resonances between authoritarian, neoliberal, and supremacist ideologies and practices in and beyond the Euro-American world. Her research entails the premise that an understanding of the conditions under which these ideologies and practices are tolerated or accepted is a precondition to overcoming them.