ISBN-13: 9781119827436 / Twarda / 2023 / 464 str.
ISBN-13: 9781119827436 / Twarda / 2023 / 464 str.
Foreword xiiiPreface xixAcknowledgments xxiList of Acronyms xxiiiAbout the Companion Website xxvii1 Introduction 12 Recent Fires and Failed Strategies 32.1 Torre dei Moro 42.1.1 How It Happened (Incident Dynamics) 42.2 Norman Atlantic 62.2.1 How It Happened (Incident Dynamics) 72.3 Storage Building on Fire 82.3.1 How It Happened (Incident Dynamics) 82.4 ThyssenKrupp Fire 92.4.1 How It Happened (Incident Dynamics) 92.5 Refinery's Pipeway Fire 122.5.1 How It Happened (Incident Dynamics) 132.6 Refinery Process Unit Fire 162.6.1 How It Happened (Incident Dynamics) 173 Fundamentals of Risk Management 213.1 Introduction to Risk and Risk Management 223.2 ISO 31000 Standard 263.2.1 The Principles of RM 283.3 ISO 31000 Risk Management Workflow 283.3.1 Leadership and Commitment 283.3.2 Understanding the Organisation and Its Contexts 303.3.3 Implementation of the RM Framework 313.3.4 The Risk Management Process 323.4 The Risk Assessment Phase 323.5 Risk Identification 333.6 Risk Analysis 343.6.1 Analysis of Controls and Barriers 353.6.2 Consequence Analysis 353.6.3 Frequency Analysis and Probability Estimation 363.7 Risk Evaluation 363.7.1 Acceptability and Tolerability Criteria of the Risk 373.8 The ALARP Study 403.9 Risk Management over Time 433.10 Risk Treatment 443.11 Monitoring and Review 463.12 Audit Activities 473.13 The System Performance Review 473.14 Proactive and Reactive Culture of Organisations Dealing with Risk Management 503.15 Systemic Approach to Fire Risk Management 644 Fire as an Accident 654.1 Industrial Accidents 654.2 Fires 674.2.1 Flash Fire 674.2.2 Pool Fire 714.2.3 Fireball 724.2.4 Jet Fire 754.3 Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapour Explosion (BLEVE) 764.4 Explosion 764.5 Deflagrations and Detonations 784.5.1 Vapour Cloud Explosion 794.5.2 Threshold Values 794.5.3 Physical Effect Modelling 814.6 Fire in Compartments 825 Integrate Fire Safety into Asset Design 936 Fire Safety Principles 1036.1 Fire Safety Concepts Tree 1036.2 NFPA Standard 550 1046.3 NFPA Standard 551 1116.3.1 The Risk Matrix Method Applied to Fire Risk 1217 Fire-Safety Design Resources 1237.1 International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) 1237.1.1 Iso 16732 1257.1.2 Iso 16733 1337.1.3 Iso 23932 1397.1.3.1 Scope and Principles of the Standard 1397.1.4 Iso 17776 1437.1.5 Iso 13702 1437.2 British Standards (BS) - UK 1467.2.1 Pas 911 1477.2.1.1 Risk and Hazard Assessment 1527.2.2 Bs 9999 1567.3 Society of Fire Protection Engineers - USA (SFPE-USA) 1597.3.1 Engineering Guide to Fire Risk Assessment 1607.3.2 Engineering Guide to Performance-Based Fire Protection 1637.4 Italian Fire Code 1677.4.1 IFC Fire-Safety Design Method 1688 Performance-Based Fire Engineering 1759 Fire Risk Assessment Methods 1899.1 Risk Assessment Method Selection 1919.2 Risk Identification 1929.2.1 Brainstorming 1939.2.2 Checklist 1949.2.3 What-If 1949.2.4 Hazop 1969.2.5 Hazid 1999.2.6 Fmea/fmeda/fmeca 2019.3 Risk Analysis 2159.3.1 Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) 2159.3.2 Event Tree Analysis (ETA) 2199.3.3 Bow-Tie and LOPA 2249.3.3.1 Description of the Method 2269.3.3.2 Building a Bow-Tie 2299.3.3.3 Barriers 2329.3.3.4 LOPA Analysis in Bow-Tie 2389.3.4 FERA and Explosion Risk Assessment and Quantitative Risk Assessment 2439.3.5 Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) 2439.3.6 Fire and Explosion Risk Assessment (FERA) 2549.4 Risk Evaluation 2589.4.1 FN Curves 2589.4.2 Risk Indices 2599.4.3 Risk Matrices 2609.4.4 Index Methods 2649.4.4.1 An Example from a "Seveso" Plant 2669.4.5 SWeHI Method 2679.4.6 Application 2689.5 Simplified Fire Risk Assessment Using a Weighted Checklist 2729.5.1 Risk Levels 27310 Risk Profiles 28110.1 People 28210.2 Property 28310.3 Business Continuity 28510.4 Environment 28711 Fire Strategies 28911.1 Risk Mitigation 28911.2 Fire Reaction 29511.3 Fire Resistance 29611.4 Fire Compartments 30011.5 Evacuation and Escape Routes 30311.6 Emergency Management 31211.7 Active Fire Protection Measures 31711.8 Fire Detection 32311.9 Smoke Control 33011.10 Firefighting and Rescue Operations 33211.11 Technological Systems 33412 Fire-Safety Management and Performance 33912.1 Preliminary Remarks 33912.2 Safety Management in the Design Phase 34112.3 Safety Management in the Implementation and Commissioning Phase 34412.4 Safety Management in the Operation Phase 34513 Learning from Real Fires (Forensic Highlights) 34913.1 Torre dei Moro 34913.1.1 Why It Happened 34913.1.2 Findings 35013.1.3 Lessons Learned and Recommendations 35013.2 Norman Atlantic 35213.2.1 Why It Happened 35213.2.2 Findings 35513.2.3 Lessons Learned and Recommendations 35713.3 Storage Building on Fire 35713.3.1 Why It Happened 35713.3.2 Findings 35813.3.3 Lessons Learned and Recommendations 35913.4 ThyssenKrupp Fire 36013.4.1 Why It Happened 36013.4.2 Findings 36313.4.3 Lessons Learned and Recommendations 36413.5 Refinery's Pipeway Fire 36613.5.1 Why It Happened 36613.5.2 Findings 36713.5.3 Lessons Learned and Recommendations 36713.6 Refinery Process Unit Fire 36713.6.1 Why It Happened 36713.6.2 Findings 37013.6.3 Lessons Learned and Recommendations 37313.7 Fire in Historical Buildings 37413.7.1 Introduction 37413.7.1.1 Description of the Building and Works 37613.7.2 The Fire 37913.7.2.1 The Fire Damage 37913.7.3 Fire-Safety Lessons Learned 37913.8 Fire Safety Concepts Tree Applied to Real Events 38014 Case Studies (Risk Assessment Examples) 38714.1 Introduction 39614.2 Facility Description 39614.3 Assessment 39714.3.1 Selected Approach and Workflow 39714.3.2 Methods 39814.3.3 Fire Risk Assessment 40414.3.4 Specific Insights 40614.4 Results 41015 Conclusions 421Bibliography 425Index 435
Luca Fiorentini is an internationally recognized expert in the field of industrial process safety and fire engineering. He is a special expert on fire engineering and fire risk assessment and a recognized forensic engineer and investigator for fires, explosions, and industrial and marine accidents. He is the author of several scientific books that have been published internationally.Fabio Dattilo is General Commander of Italy's National Fire Corp in the Ministry of the Interior. He is the promoter and first author of the Italian Fire Code, published in 2015, that provides a risk- and performance-based alternative replacement to previous prescriptive codes. He served for more than 40 years in the National Fire Corp and is now a contract professor of fire engineering. He developed a specific expertise in dealing with fire safety strategies for heritage buildings, starting with those in Venice.
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