"This book is for entrepreneurs, for people working inside of large organizations and everyone in between who is interested to learn the secrets of successful entrepreneurs. In this advice-filled resource, Rubini gathers advice that comes from a diverse range of financial services niches including financing, banking, payments, wealth management, insurance, and cryptocurrencies, to help you harness the insights of thought leaders. Those working inside the financial services industry and those interested in working in or starting up businesses in financial services will learn valuable lessons on how to take an idea forward, how to find the right business founders, how to seek funding, how to learn from initial mistakes, and how to define and reposition your business model." In: MENAFN (31.03.2020),https://menafn.com/1099940826/Fintech-Founders-book-hits-the-top-of-the-financial-technology-chart
Financial savant, author, and advocate, Agustín Rubini engages his many interests with passion and a devotion to excel. With many years of experience as a financial industry strategist, Agustín is passionate about the world of finance and the future of financial services. Agustín spends much of his time speaking and writing on fintech and advising businesses on innovation and digital transformation.
He has a strong background in developing digital strategy, driving innovation in the financial services industry, and is well versed in the disruptive effect of technology on the financial services industry. As a means of helping others understand the complexities of the financial services industry, Agustín wrote Fintech in a Flash, a best selling guide to financial technology.