ISBN-13: 9781119140528 / Angielski / Twarda / 2018 / 184 str.
ISBN-13: 9781119140528 / Angielski / Twarda / 2018 / 184 str.
Systematically presents the input-output finite-time stability (IO-FTS) analysis of dynamical systems, covering issues of analysis, design and robustness The interest in finite-time control has continuously grown in the last fifteen years.
1 Introduction 5
1.1 Finite–Time Stability (FTS) 5
1.2 Input–Output Finite–Time Stability 11
1.3 FTS and Finite–Time Convergence 15
1.4 Backgrounds 15
1.4.1 Vectors and signals 15
1.4.2 Impulsive dynamical linear systems 17
1.5 Book Organization 19
2 Linear Time–Varying Systems: IO–FTS Analysis 21
2.1 Problem Statement 21
2.2 IO–FTS forW2 Exogenous Inputs 22
2.2.1 Preliminaries 22
2.2.2 Necessary and sufficient conditions for IO–FTS forW2 exogenous inputs 29
2.2.3 Computational issues 33
2.3 A Sufficient Condition for IO–FTS forW1 Exogenous Inputs 34
2.4 Summary 38
3 Linear Time–Varying Systems: Design of IO Finite–Time Stabilizing Controllers 41
3.1 IO Finite–Time Stabilization via State Feedback 42
3.2 IO–Finite–Time Stabilization via Output Feedback 44
3.3 Summary 52
4 IO–FTS with Nonzero Initial Conditions 55
4.1 Preliminaries 55
4.2 Interpretation of the Norm of the Operator LSNZ 58
4.3 Sufficient Conditions for IO–FTS–NZIC 63
4.4 Design of IO Finite–Time Stabilizing Controllers NZIC 66
4.4.1 State feedback 68
4.4.2 Output feedback 69
4.5 Summary 72
5 IO–FTS with Constrained Control Inputs 73
5.1 Structured IO–FTS and Problem Statement 73
5.2 Structured IO–FTS Analysis 75
5.3 State Feedback Design 78
5.4 Design of an Active Suspension Control System Using Structured IO–FTS 80
5.5 Summary 84
6 Robustness Issues and the Mixed H1/FTS Control Problem 85
6.1 Preliminaries 87
6.1.1 System setting 87
6.1.2 IO–FTS with an H1 bound 87
6.2 Robust and Quadratic IO–FTS with an H1 Bound 92
6.2.1 Main result 93
6.2.2 A numerical example 96
6.3 State Feedback Design 96
6.3.1 Numerical example: Cont d 100
6.4 Case study: Quadratic IO–FTS with an H1 Bound of the Inverted Pendulum 101
6.5 Summary 102
7 Impulsive Dynamical Linear Systems: IO–FTS Analysis 105
7.1 Backgrounds 106
7.1.1 Preliminary results for theW2 case 106
7.2 Main Results: Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for IO–FTS in Presence of W2 Signals 108
7.3 Example and Computational Issues 113
7.4 Main Result: A Sufficient Condition for IO–FTS in Presence of W1 Signals 115
7.4.1 An illustrative example 117
7.5 Summary 117
8 Impulsive Dynamical Linear Systems: IO Finite–Time Stabilization via Dynamical Controllers 119
8.1 Problem Statement 119
8.2 IO Finite–Time Stabilization of IDLSs: W2 Signals 120
8.2.1 A numerical example 124
8.3 IO Finite–Time Stabilization of IDLSs: W1 Signals 126
8.3.1 Illustrative example: Cont d 127
8.4 Summary 127
9 Impulsive Dynamical Linear Systems with Uncertain Resetting Times 131
9.1 Arbitrary Switching 131
9.2 Uncertain Switching 133
9.3 Numerical Example 134
9.3.1 Known resetting times 135
9.3.2 Arbitrary switching 136
9.3.3 Uncertain switching 137
9.4 Summary 137
10 Hybrid Architecture for Deployment of Finite–Time Control Systems 139
10.1 Controller Architecture 139
10.2 Examples 142
10.2.1 Hybrid active suspension control 142
10.2.2 Lateral collision avoidance system 143
10.3 Summary 148
A Fundamentals on Linear Time–Varying Systems 151
A.1 Existence and Uniqueness 151
A.2 The State Transition Matrix 152
A.3 Lyapunov Stability of Linear Time–Varying Systems 155
A.4 Input to State and Input to Output Response 156
B Schur Complements 157
C Computation of Feasible Solutions to Optimizations Problems Involving DLMIs 159
C.1 Numerical Solution to a Feasibility Problem Constrained by a DLMI Coupled with LMIs 159
C.2 Numerical Solution to a Feasibility Problem Constrained by a D/DLMI Coupled with LMIs 161
D Solving Optimization Problems Involving DLMIs using MATLAB® 165
D.1 MATLAB® Script for the Solution of the Optimization Problem with DLMI/LMI Constraints Presented in Example 4 165
D.2 MATLAB® Script for the Solution of the D/DLMI/LMI Feasibility Problem Presented in Section 8.3.1 166
E Examples of Applications of IO–FTS Control Design to Real–World Systems 173
E.1 Building Subject to Earthquakes 173
E.2 Quarter car suspension model 176
E.3 Inverted Pendulum 179
E.4 Yaw and Lateral Motions of a Two–Wheel Vehicle 180
Index 183
Francesco Amato received a PhD Degree in Electronic Engineering from the University of Naples in 1994. From 2001 to 2003 he was Professor of Automatic Control at the University of Reggio Calabria. In 2003 he moved to the University of Catanzaro, where, since 2010, he is Professor of Bioengineering. He is currently the Dean of the School of Computer and Biomedical Engineering and the Coordinator of the Doctorate School in Biomedical and Computer Engineering. The scientific activity of Francesco Amato has developed in the fields of systems and control theory, robust control, finite–time stability and control, control of nonlinear quadratic systems, with applications to the contexts of aircraft control, computational biology and bioengineering. He has published about 250 papers in international journals and conference proceedings and two monographs with Springer Verlag entitled "Robust Control of Linear Systems subject to Uncertain Time–Varying Parameters" and "Finite–Time Stability and Control".
Gianmaria De Tommasi received a Research Doctorate degree in computer and automatic engineering from the University of Naples Federico II, Italy, in 2005. He is currently Associate Professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, University of Naples Federico II. Since 2002, he has been a Visiting Researcher with the Joint European Torus (JET) Tokamak, Oxfordshire, U.K., where he has participated to various projects connected to the JET plasma current and shape control system. He has authored more than 100 journal and conference papers, and is a co–author of the monography titled Finite–Time Stability and Control (Springer). His current research interests include control of nuclear fusion devices, fault detection for discrete event systems, identification of discrete event systems modeled with Petri nets, and stability on finite–time horizon of hybrid systems. Dr. De Tommasi is a member of the IEEE Control System Society Conference Editorial Board, and has been a Guest Editor of the Fusion Engineering and Design special issue titled Design and Implementation of Real–Time Systems for Magnetic Confined Fusion Devices.
Alfredo Pironti received a PhD in Electronic and Computing Engineering from the University of Naples Federico II in 1995. Since 1991 he has worked at the University of Naples Federico II, where he currently is a Full Professor of System and Control Theory in the Department of Electrical and Information Technology Engineering. He has spent several periods as visiting researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics in Garching (Germany), the Center for Control Engineering and Computation (University of California at Santa Barbara), the ITER Joint Work Site of Naka (Japan), and the EFDA–JET site of Culham (UK). His research interests include application of feedback control to nuclear fusion problems, robust control of uncertain systems, and differential games theory. In 2005 Alfredo Pironti was guest editor for the IEEE Control Systems Magazine journal, where he contributed to two special issues focused on the control of plasmas in tokamak machines. He is author of more than 200 papers published on international journals, books, and conference proceedings.
Systematically presents the input–output finite–time stability (IO–FTS) analysis of dynamical systems, covering issues of analysis, design and robustness
The interest in finite–time control has continuously grown in the last fifteen years. This book systematically presents the input–output finite–time stability (IO–FTS) analysis of dynamical systems, with specific reference to linear time–varying systems and hybrid systems. It discusses analysis, design and robustness issues, and includes applications to real world engineering problems.
While classical FTS has an important theoretical significance, IO–FTS is a more practical concept, which is more suitable for real engineering applications, the goal of the research on this topic in the coming years.
Key features:
This book is essential reading for university researchers as well as post–graduate engineers practicing in the field of robust process control in research centers and industries. Topics dealt with in the book could also be taught at the level of advanced control courses for graduate students in the department of electrical and computer engineering, mechanical engineering, aeronautics and astronautics, and applied mathematics.
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