2.2 Capital and Total Capital: The Quasi-Transcendentality of Capital and the Actualisation-Virtualisation Connection
Chapter 3. Credit
3.1 Credit and Interest-Bearing Capital
Chapter 4. The Category of Capitalisation
Chapter 5. Fictitious Capital
5.1 The General Term of Fictitious Capital
5.2 Bonds and Shares
Chapter 6. Speculative Capital
6.1 Derivatives
Excursus 1: The Black-Scholes Formula
6.2 Securitisation
Excursus 2: Rating Agencies
6.3 Derivatives as Forms of Speculative Capital and Power Technologies
6.4 The Derivative Market
6.5 Heterodox Positions
6.6 Portfolio Theory
Chapter 7. Private Banks
7.1 The Functions of Private Banks
7.2 Creation of Credit by Private Banks
7.3 Leverage
7.4 Investment Banks and Funds
Chapter 8. The Financial System and the State
8.1 The State
8.2 The Function of Central Banks
Chapter 9. Capital and the World Market
9.1 Introduction
9.2 The Export of Commodities
9.3 Capital Export
9.4 The Financial Industry and the World Market
9.5 Imperialism
9.6 The Dollar as Leading Currency
9.7 Global Value Chains and the Global Proletariat
9.8 The Global Proletariat and the Different Zones
Chapter 10. Technology and Finance
Chapter 11. The Functions of Financial Markets for the Capitalist Economy
Chapter 12. The Financialised Subject of Risk
Chapter 13. The Financial System and Crisis
Achim Szepanski is the founder of the Electronic Music Labels Force Inc., and Mille Plateaux. His research focuses on speculative capital. His recent publications are Capitalisation 1 & 2, Non-Marxism, Capital and Power in the 21st Century, Imperialism, State-Fascism and the War Machines of Capital, and Ultrabablack of Music. He is the Editor of the online magazine NON.
“A brilliant contribution to present-day discussions on Marx’s value theory, money, capital and finance, highlighting the cardinal regulatory role of the financial sphere in capitalism. Achim Szepanski, following Marx’s analyses, takes finance seriously. He shows that ‘financialization’ is not a deviation from some ‘good’ industrial capitalism, or a new, ‘predatory’, method of exploitation (‘exploitation by dispossession’ etc.), a ‘bad’ exploitation as opposed to the ‘good’ exploitation by the ‘productive’ capital, but a historic development
expressing the formal determinations innate in the capitalist mode of production.”
— John Milios, Author of The Origins of Capitalism as a Social System
The book’s central theme is to develop a new theory of speculative capital related to other forms of capital, the world market, and the state. Unlike most Marxist and heterodox theories, the book distinguishes credit and fictitious capital from speculative capital to show its hegemony today in the capital markets. Speculative capital structures and also controls the so-called “real capital.” The method is Marxist while also incorporating material from contemporary Marxist and heterodox authors like John Milios, Robert Meister, Tony Norfeld, Li Puma, Harald Strauß, Michael Heinrich, Suhail Malik, Bichler/Nitzan and Ellie Ayache. Offering a comprehensive study of the logic and mode of existence of capital in the 21st century, the book will be of interest to academics and students of monetary and financial economics alongside political economy.
Achim Szepanski is the founder of the Electronic Music Labels Force Inc., and Mille Plateaux. His research focuses on speculative capital. His recent publications are Capitalisation 1 & 2, Non-Marxism, Capital and Power in the 21st Century, Imperialism, State-Fascism and the War Machines of Capital, and Ultrabablack of
Music. He is the Editor of the online magazine NON.