Financial Analysis of a Tropical Forestry Enterprise: Realized in the Deramakot Reserve, Malaysia, by Application of the Forest Growth Model Formix3q » książka
Contents: Log production and timber industries in Malaysia and Sabah - Investigation of the Deramakot Forestry Enterprise concerning infrastructure and accounting systems - Evaluation of a cost data bank - Structuring a costing module for the Deramakot Forestry Enterprise and integration in the process-based model FORMIX3Q - Financial viability of Reduced Impact Logging (RIL), Low Impact Logging (LIL) and Conventional Logging (CL) in the project - Sensitivity analysis concerning Annual Allowable Cut (AAC), timber price and discount rate - Evaluation of the balance sheet and internal cost distribution.
The Authors: Sören Schopferer was born in 1975. He studied Wood Science, Technology and Economics at the University of Hamburg, passing the diploma examination in 2004. In 2000, the author participated in a project with the German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) in Simbabwe and worked as a consultant for a GTZ project and for the Section World Forestry (Hamburg) in Sabah (Malaysia). Since 2005 he works as a sales manager for an international home furnishing company in Toronto (Canada). Reinhold Glauner is Senior Scientist at the Institute for World Forestry and at the Federal Research Centre for Forestry and Forest Products in Hamburg.