Part 1: The Reality Effect
1 Reality Effects: Literature, Film and Video
2 Devices in Video
3 Devices in Film
4 Sliding Scales
5 Mediumspecificity and the Reality Effect
6 Interaction
Part 2: (Dis)embodiment
7 Dispositif: A New Layered Structure
8 (Dis)Embodying Dispositifs
9 Cinema’s Disembodying Dispositif: An Effect of an Effect
10 Other Views on Film Viewing
11 Surfaces and Screens: Video’s Embodying Dispositifs
12 In Between: Three Intermedial Installations
Part 3: Social Structures
13 The Medium,The Media and The Social
14 Video: Flow and Feedback
15 Film: Private/Production
16 Electronic Diaries, Cinematic Stories
Part 4: Violent Features
17 Objective Representation
18 The Production of Portable Objects
19 Freezing
20 Touching
21 Surveillance
22 Voyeurism
List of Films and Videos