1 Transforming Engineering through Digital and Model-Based Methods1.1 Fundamentals of Digital Engineering1.2 Mission and Systems Engineering Methods1.3 Transforming Systems Engineering through Integrating Modeling & Simulation and the Digital Thread1.4 Digital Engineering Visualization Technologies and Techniques1.5 Interactive Model-Centric Systems Engineering2 Executing Digital Engineering2.1 Value Creation though Digital Engineering2.2 Measuring Systems Engineering Progress Using Digital Engineering2.3 Digital Engineering Implications on Decision Making Processes2.4 Expedited Systems Engineering for Rapid Capability and Learning2.5 Scaling Agile Principles to an Enterprise2.6 System Behavior Specification Verification and Validation (V&V)2.7 Digital Engineering Transformation: A Case Study3 Tradespace Analysis in a Digital Engineering Ecosystem - Context and Implications3.1 A Landscape of Trades: The Importance of Process, Ilities, and Practice3.2 Architecting a Tradespace Analysis Framework in a Digital Engineering Environment3.3 Set-Based Design: Foundations for Practice3.4 Exploiting Formal Modeling in Resilient System Design: Key Concepts, Current Practice, and Innovative Approach3.5 Augmented Intelligence: A Human Productivity and Performance Amplifier in Systems Engineering and Engineered Human-Machine Systems4 Evaluating and Improving System Risk4.1 Complexity and Risk in Systems Engineering4.2 Risk and Technical Debt4.3 Risk and System Maturity: TRLs and SRLs in Risk Management4.4 Managing Risk5 Model-Based Design of Safety, Security, and Resilience Systems5.1 Concepts of trust and resilience in Cyber-Physical Systems5.2 Introduction to STPA-Sec5.3 The "Mission Aware" concept and meta-model for design of cyber-resilience5.4 The "FOREST" concept and meta-model for life cycle evaluation of resilience5.5 The Cyber Security Requirements Methodology and Meta-Model for Design of Cyber-Resilience5.6 Implementation example: "Silverfish"6 Analytic Methods for Design and Analysis of Missions and Systems-of-Systems6.1 Unique Challenges in System of Systems Analysis and Architecting6.2 System of Systems Analytic Workbench6.3 Computational Intelligence Approach to SoS Architecting and Analysis6.4 Unique Challenges in Mission Engineering and Technology Integration6.5 Reference Architecture: An Integration and Interoperability Driven Framework6.6 Mission Engineering Competency Framework7 Applying Systems Engineering to Enterprise Systems and Portfolio Management7.1 Central Challenges in Modeling and Analyzing Enterprises as Systems7.2 Methods for Integrating Dynamic Requirements and Emerging Technologies7.3 Portfolio Optimization & Management for System of Systems7.4 Assessing Benefits of Modularity in Missions & System of Systems8 Systems Education and Competencies in the Age of Digital Engineering, Convergence, and AI8.1 Using the Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge8.2 Understanding Critical Skills for Systems Engineers8.3 Evolving University Programs on Systems Engineering8.4 Evolving University Programs for the Other 95% of Engineers- A Capstone Marketplace
Dinesh Verma is the Executive Director of the Systems Engineering Research Center (SERC), the first University Affiliated Research Center established by the DoD for Systems Engineering Research. He is also a Professor in Systems Engineering at Stevens Institute of Technology as well as the Scientific Advisor to the Director of the Embedded Systems Institute in Eindhoven, Holland. He is a Fellow of INCOSE and Senior Member of SOLE.