Foreword.- Fibrostenotic Inflammatory Bowel Disease – a Cinderella story.- Epidemiology and natural history of fibrostenosing IBD.- The genetics of IBD associated fibrosis.- Epigenetic regulation of intestinal fibrosis.- Anti-cytokine or growth factor therapy as a future therapeutic of fibrostenosing IBD.- Inflammation independent mechanisms of intestinal fibrosis.- Environmental factors and their influence on intestinal fibrosis.- Fat and fibrosis.- Sources of mesenchymal cells in intestinal fibrosis.- Animal models of intestinal fibrosis.- Mechanisms of resolution of intestinal fibrosis.- The intestinal mesenchymal cell and extracellular matrix as a pathogenetic factor in inflammation driven intestinal carcinogenesis.- Fibrosis in Ulcerative Colitis.- Histopathology of intestinal fibrosis.- Clinical, Cellular and Serologic Biomarkers of intestinal fibrosis .- Imaging in intestinal fibrosis – What is state or the art?.- The future of intestinal fibrosis imaging.- Medical therapy of stricturing IBD.- Endoscopic therapy of intestinal strictures – What is state of the art?.- The future of endoscopic therapy of intestinal strictures.- Surgical therapy of intestinal strictures – What is state of the art?.- The future of surgical therapy of structuring IBD.- Challenges of translation of anti-fibrotic therapies into clinical practice in IBD.- What distinguishes mechanisms of fistula and stricture formation.- The Pathogenesis of Intraabdominal Adhesions: Similarities and differences to luminal fibrosis.- Anti-fibrotic therapies from other organs – What the gut can learn from the liver, skin, lung and heart.
Dr. Rieder is a principal investigator at the Department of Inflammation and Immunity and an Associate Clinical Staff at the Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition at the Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland. His focus is the field of pathogenesis, prediction and therapy of intestinal fibrosis. He is a fully trained Internist and Gastroenterologist with an IBD focussed clinical and endoscopic practice. He initiated and organized international clinical consensus meetings. Dr. Rieder published more than 70 articles and book chapters in high impact journals, including Science Translational Medicine, Gastroenterology and Gut. He has been recognized for his expertise as indicated through invitations to the steering committee of the 2nd European Crohn’s and Colitis Organization (ECCO) scientific workshop on ‘Intestinal healing’, group leader of the 4th ECCO scientific workshop on ‘Intestinal fibrosis’, invitations as a full member of the consensus panel of the ECCO guidelines on Crohn’s disease, lead author of the ECCO guidelines on Ulcerative colitis and lead author of the first ECCO clinical consensus on ‘Diagnosis and Management of Intestinal Fibrosis’ as well as multiple international invitations as a speaker, session chair or conference faculty. Dr. Rieder is an associate editor (Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology) and on several editorial boards of medical journals (Journal of Crohn’s and Colitis, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Fibrogenesis and Tissue Repair, American Journal of Physiology Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology). He is proud of his significant ties to the ECCO, which he served as the chair of Y-ECCO, member of the ECCO operational board and currently member of the scientific committee. He is REACH-IBD and is a member of the Professional Education Committee of the CCFA.
This book provides a comprehensive account of the pathogenesis and treatment of intestinal fibrosis, covering both the clinical and molecular aspects of the disease. It begins by describing the epidemiology and genetics of fibrostenosing IBD in Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative colitis as well as the epigenetics and cellular and molecular mechanisms of the disease. Readers will obtain an in-depth overview of the disease from biomarkers and histology to surgical intervention, imaging and current and future drug therapies. Medical management of fibrosis, endoscopy and imaging as well as surgical approaches are all discussed. Through the links to videos contained in the book, the reader will become familiar with interventional procedures such as endoscopic balloon dilation and surgical techniques for stricturing IBD, such as resection and strictureplasties. This is an indispensable volume for anyone working on fibrostenotic IBD, such as gastroenterologists, internists, radiologists, colorectal surgeons, pathologists and researchers. It has been written by a team of top experts from North America, Asia and Europe.