List of Figures
Notes on Contributors
1. Introduction, Agnes Arnold-Forster and Alison Moulds
Part I: Spaces of Labour
2. Emotions and Sexuality at Work: Lyon’s Corner Houses, c.1920-50, Grace Whorrall-Campbell
3. Shop Assistants, ‘Living-In’, and Emotional Health, 1880s-1930s, Alison Moulds
4. The Emotional Landscape of the Hospital Residence in Post-war Britain, Agnes Arnold-Forster
5. Negotiating Deindustrialization: Emotions and Ahmedabad’s Textile Workers, Rukmini Barua
Part II: Professional and Personal Identities
6. Education, Work, and Self-Worth in Women’s Letters to Soviet Authorities, 1924-32, Hannah Parker
7. Money, Emotions, and Domestic Service in Buenos Aires, 1950-70, Inés Pérez
8. Managing Feeling in the Academic Workplace: Gender, Emotion and Knowledge Production in a Cambridge Science Department, 1950-80, Sally Horrocks and Paul Merchant
9. Control your Feelings and be a Leader: Representations of Women, Emotions, and Career in Brazilian Media, Tatiane Leal
Part III: Emotions, Politics and Power
10. ‘Violent Emotions’: Canine Suffering, Emotional Communities, and the Emotionally-Charged Work of (Anti)Vivisection in London, New York, and Paris, Chris Pearson
11. Whistleblowing, Guilt, and Liberal Democracy, James Brown
12. The ‘System’ of Service: Emotional Labour and the Theatrical Metaphor, Jaswinder Blackwell-Pal
13. Emotional Labour and the Childcare Crisis in Neoliberal Britain, Claire English
Afterword by Claire Langhamer