Part 1: Essentials of embedded systems, and developing with mbed 1. Embedded systems, microcontrollers and arm 2. Introducing the mbed ecosystem 3. Digital input and output 4. Analog output 5. Analog input 6. Real time, and the mbed real time operating system 7. Starting with serial communications 8. Liquid crystal displays 9. Interrupts, timers and tasks 10. Memory and data management Part 2: Moving to advanced and specialist applications 11. More on the rtos 12. Wireless communication - bluetooth and zigbee 13. Internet communication and control 14. Applying mbed to digital audio 15. Some hardware insights: clocks, power supply, and very low power Appendix a. Some number systems b. Some c/c++ essentials c. Mbed technical data d. Parts list e. Terminal emulation