ISBN-13: 9781536195248
Violence threatens the sense of cohesion in any environment but especially within the family. It is within the family that the first relationships of trust should develop. It is within the family that we are cared for, provided for and where we find our strength and comfort. When the family purports violence, everything shifts because the family environment becomes one of hostility, a threat of harm or death to the mind and body and general well-being, creating distrust, feelings of fear and overall disequilibrium within the family. This book, Family Violence: Prevalence, Risk Factors and Perspectives, uses a family-centered approach to explore the evidence regarding violence in the family because when there is any type of violence, be it child abuse, intimate partner violence, sibling abuse, child-on-parent abuse or elder abuse, everyone in the family is affected and all family members should be included in the intervention. This book includes perspectives of family violence in different contexts and explores family violence risks.