Preface and Acknowledgments
1. Introduction: Inhabiting the Ruins of Excellence
Part 1 Inside the Studiers’ Workshop: The Invention of the University and the Challenge of the Sciences
2. The University in the Middle Ages: On the Invention of a New Use of Reason
3. How to Learn Something New?: The Place of Scientific Practices at the University
Part 2 Campus in Camps: An Experimental University in a Palestinian Refugee Camp
4. Beyond Victimization and Normalization: On Questioning Situations and Studiers’ Obligations
5. Becoming Response-Able: Inquiring into the Requirements of a Practice of Study
Part 3 A Home of Adventures: Whitehead’s Account of the University and its Relation to the Future
6. The Studiers’ Constraint: Whiteheadian Adventures and Matters of Study
7. Making Other Futures Possible: Toward a Pedagogy of Study Practices