Cracks in the Leader's Ship.- Dilemmas, Dramas and Differences.- Fractional Leadership.- Executive Ownershift.- Mastering Titanic Challenges.- Making Meetings Matter.- Superficial Versus Senseful Strategy.- Creating an Ownership Epidemic.- Leading a Team of Leaders.- The Leadership Team.
As an executive advisor, coach and consultant, Dan Norenberg designs and delivers learning experiences for senior leadership teams that cannot afford to play less than their best through a transformative growth process called Executive Ownershift. His innovative leadership process enables executive teams to overcome the obstacles that prevent most leadership teams and people in their organization from playing at their best. He has advised and coached over 100 executive or strategic teams on three continents. His clients include Allianz Group, Biotronik, Ciba Vision, Dentsply Sirona, the European Patent Office, IWIS, Klosterfrau Group, Knorr-Bremse, Lego, Rhode & Schwarz, The Walt Disney Company, UBS and ZF TRW.
When leadership teams do not perform at their best, everyone suffers. Low employee engagement levels, failure to meet strategic targets and inconsistent company growth are signs that leadership teams are not highly effective.
Executive Ownershift is a transformative growth program that enables leadership teams to deliver peak performance: When leadership teams perform at their best, so can everyone else.
This book introduces a top-down team approach that enables leadership teams to dramatically improve their performance. It highlights how leadership teams can transform their own businesses and how they can master what must go right and what can go wrong on their path to high performance. With examples and cases provide evidence that results come fast to leadership teams that recognize that they are the starting point for improvement and growth, the book is an excellent guide that allows struggling leadership teams to become good, and good leadership teams to become great.