Introduction (Maja Bondestam) Chapter 1 - The Moresca Dance in Counter-Reformation Rome: Court Medicine and the Moderation of Exceptional Bodies (Maria Kavvadia) Chapter 2 - Monsters and the Maternal Imagination: The 'First Vision' from Johann Remmelin's 1619 Catoptrum microcosmicum Triptych (Rosemary Moore) Chapter 3 - The Optics of Bodily Deviance: Juan Ruiz de Alarcón's Path to Public Office (Pablo García Piñar) Chapter 4 - 'The Most Deformed Woman in France': Marguerite de Valois's Monstrous Sexuality in the Divorce Satyrique (Cécile Tresfels) Chapter 5 - Curious, Useful, and Important: Bayle's Hermaphrodites as Figures of Theological Inquiry (Parker Cotton) Chapter 6 - An Education: Johannes Schefferus and the Prodigious Son of a Fisherman (Maja Bondestam) Chapter 7 - Ambiguous and Transitional Bodies: Stillbirth in Stockholm 1691-1724 (Tove Paulsson Holmberg) Afterword (Kathleen Long) Works Cited Index