Bibliografia Glosariusz/słownik Wydanie ilustrowane
List of Contributors viiAcknowledgements ixIntroduction xiAbout The Companion Website xvii1 History taking and the newborn examination: an evolving perspective 1Claire Evans2 Cardiovascular and respiratory assessment of the baby 33Christopher D. Bedford and Anne Lomax3 The neonatal skin: examination of the jaundiced newborn 69Morris Gordon and Anne Lomax4 Examination of the head, neck and eyes 93Carmel Noonan, Fiona J. Rowe, and Anne Lomax5 Assessment of gestational age and newborn reflexes 113Anne Lomax6 Examination of the newborn abdomen and genitalia 123Morris Gordon7 Developmental dysplasia of the hip and abnormalities of the foot 139Robin W. Paton and Naomi Davis8 Chromosomal and genetic problems: giving feedback to parents 167Delyth Webb and Anne Lomax9 Newborn behaviours: supporting parents to develop early attachments 187Jeanette Appleton and Clare Hughes10 Examination of the newborn: professional issues in practice 211Norma Fryer, Claire Evans, and Carol MashhadiAppendix 1 A Step-By-Step Guide To Examination of The Newborn 227Appendix 2 Useful Website Addresses 231Index 233
EDITED BYAnne Lomax, Senior Lecturer, School of Health, University of Central Lancashire, UK. She is a Registered Nurse and Registered Midwife. Her specialist interest is focused on advanced neonatal nurse practice and standards and competencies in newborn examination.