1. Introduction: What has evolution got to do with terrorism?, Max Taylor, Jason Roach and Ken Pease 2. Evolutionary Psychology, Terrorism and Terrorist Behaviour, Max Taylor 3. Evolutionary psychological influences on the contemporary causes of terrorist events, Paul Ekblom, Aiden Sidebottom and Richard Wortley 4. Terrorism - lessons from natural and human co-evolutionary arms races, Paul Ekblom 5. Why Terrorism Terrifies Us, Jordan Kiper and Richard Sosis 6. Terrorism as an Act-in-Context: A Contextual Behavioral Science Account, Akihiko Masuda, Matthew Donati, L. Ward Schaefer, and Mary L. Hill 7. Terrorism as Altruism: An Evolutionary Model For Understanding Terrorist Psychology, Rick O’Gorman and Andrew Silke 8. Terrorism’s Footprint of Fear, Jason Roach, Ken Pease, and Charlotte Sanson