'What this volume does so well is to demonstrate the real range and complexity of Victorian evolutionary ideas, although we need to recognize that, with only a few notable exceptions, the non-Darwinians believed themselves to be Darwinian through and through.' Piers J. Hale, Isis
Introduction Bernard V. Lightman and Bennett Zon; 1. Evolution and Victorian fiction Cannon Schmitt; 2. Poetry John Holmes; 3. Between specimen and imagination Elizabeth Edwards; 4. Early cinema and evolution Oliver Gaycken; 5. Evolution and Victorian arts Barbara Larson; 6. 'I'm evolving!': varieties of evolution on the Victorian stage Kirsten E. Shepherd-Barr; 7. Dance and evolutionary thought in late Victorian discourse Theresa Jill Buckland; 8. The 'non-Darwinian' revolution and the Great Chain of Musical Being Bennett Zon; 9. Development and display: progressive evolution in British Victorian architecture and architectural theory Carla Yanni; 10. Dramas of development: exhibitions and evolution in Victorian Britain Sadiah Qureshi; 11. The popularization of evolution and Victorian culture Bernard V. Lightman.