Part 1 Epidemiology, neuro-anatomy and neuro- pathology for a neuro-oncologist
1 Epidemiology and demography of brain tumours
2 Neuro-anatomy for Oncologist
3 Pathology, Molecular Biology and classification of Gliomas
4 Pathology and Molecular pathology of ependymoma
5 Pathology and Molecular pathology of meningioma
6 Pathology and Molecular pathology of medulloblastoma
Part 2 Clinical examination, neuro-imaging and basics of radiotherapy in neuro-oncology
7 Radiology in modern neuro-oncology practice
8 PET in Brain Tumors
9 Fundamentals of Radiation for Neuro-oncology
10 Stereotactic Radiosurgery: Planning and Evaluation
11 Radiation induced brain injury
Part 3 Management of brain tumours
12 Glioblastoma
13 Oligodendroglioma
14 Anaplastic Astrocytoma
15 Grade 2 Gliomas
16 Grade 1 Gliomas
17 Mixed Gliomas or Oligoastrocytoma
18 Pleomorphic Xanthoastrocytoma
19 Astroblastoma
20 Management of Gliomatosis Cerebri
21 Nervous System Hemangioblastoma
22 Rare/Uncommon brain tumors
23 Medulloblastoma & other embryonal brain tumors
24 Ependymoma
25 Intracranial germ cell tumour
26 Management of Pineal region tumors
27 Skull Base Chordoma and Chondrosarcoma
28 Intracranial Hemangiopericytoma
29 Management of Choroid Plexus Carcinoma
30 Meningioma
31 Pituitary tumors: Diagnosis and management
32 Craniopharyngioma
33 Acoustic Neuroma
34 Spinal cord tumors
35 Brain metastases
36 Paediatric CNS tumours
37 Primary central nervous system lymphoma
Part 4 Miscellaneous
38 Neurocognition in Neurooncology
39 Syndromes associated with Brain Tumors
40 Endocrine management in Neuro-oncology
Dr. Supriya Mallick [M.D, D.N.B] completed his training in radiation oncology from All India institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. He is now working as assistant professor, department of Radiation Oncology, National Cancer Institute-India (NCI-India). He has more than 100 peer reviewed publications and has delivered oral and poster presentations in numerous international meetings. He has published numerous original articles and meta- analysis of various tumors of the brain and spine. He is also conducting various trials in the field of neurooncology. He has also contributed chapters to many text books in radiation oncology.
Dr Prashanth Giridhar is Radiation Oncologist by training and is currently working as Senior research Associate at National cancer Institute, Jhajjar, AIIMS, New Delhi. Dr Prashanth has done is MBBS degree from JIPMER and then completed post graduation in AIIMS, New Delhi. He is a very refined researcher and has many publications in Journal of international reputation to his credit.
Prof Goura K Rath completed his training in radiation oncology from All India institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. He is currently chief of B.R. Ambedkar Institute-Rotary Cancer Hospital, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. He has more than 250 peer reviewed publications and is the recipient Doctor K.M. Rai Memorial Oration award. He is also one of the editors of the text book “Text Book of Radiation Oncology: Principles and Practice”, Elsevier. 2003 and is also author of many chapters in several textbooks in the field of radiation oncology.
This book provides evidence-based management in neuro-oncology covering all aspects such as pathology, radiology, surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy.The field of neuro-oncology is rapidly evolving and new evidence is coming out every day towards the optimal management of brain tumors. This necessitates a requirement of a complete guide that shall provide an evidence-based and personalized approach towards dealing with patients.
This book also covers recent advances in personalized treatment formed through the relevant basis of anatomy, imaging, radiology, surgical, radiation and systemic treatment of brain and spinal tumors. In addition it also covers the , practical aspects of the planning of the Gamma knife and other radio surgical aspects. The book shall provide valuable assistance to practicing neuro-oncologists to practice better evidence-based personalized medicine.