Section 1: Key Ideas;
A Light Introduction to Evidence Based Policing~Renee J. Mitchell;
Targeting, Testing and Tracking: The CAM System of Evidence Based Police Assignment~Lawrence W. Sherman;
Problem Analysis to Support Decision Making in Evidence Based Policing~Anthony A. Braga and Riley Tucker;
The Legal Framework for Evidence based Policing in the US~Seth Stoughton;
Identifying Some Misconceptions about Evidence Based Policing: A Research Note~Laura Huey, Brittant Blaskovits, Craig Bennell, Hina Kalyal and Tom Walker;
Section 2: Methodological Discussions in Evidence Based Policing;
“Not All Evidence Is Created Equal”: On the Importance of Matching Research Questions with Research Methods in Evidence-Based Policing~Barak Ariel;
Twitter a New Tardis for Policing?~Emma Williams and Ian Hesketh;
Systematic Reviews: “Better Evidence for a Better World”~Peter Neyroud;
The Case for Open Police Research~Craig Bennell and Brittany Blaskovits;
Knowledge Wars: Professionalisation, Organisational Justice and Competing Knowledge Paradigms in British Policing~Emma Williams & Tom Cockroft;
Section 3: Current and Emerging Research Areas;
The Trials and Tribulations of Evidence based Procedural Justice~Sarah Bennett, Lorraine Mazerrolle, Emma Antrobus, Peter Martin and Lorelei Hine;
Hot Spots Made Easy~Renee J. Mitchell;
The Cost of Mental Health Related Calls on Police Service: Evidence from British Columbia~Adam Vaughan & Martin Andresen;
Using Body-Worn Cameras to Create an Evidence-Based De-Escalation Training Program~Natalie Todak;
Section 4: Experiences in EBP;
Moving to the inevitability of Evidence Based Policing~Peter Martin;
Why is evidence based policing growing and what challenges lie ahead?~ Alex Murray;
A Practical Approach to Evidence based Policing~Gary Cordner.