Introduction 1Part 1: Getting Started with Estate and Trust Administration 7Chapter 1: Operating in a Fiduciary World 9Chapter 2: Exploring the Ins and Outs of Estates 19Chapter 3: Identifying Different Types of Trusts 31Chapter 4: Assembling Your Team Members and Knowing When to Use Them 57Part 2: Administering an Estate 73Chapter 5: Taking the First Steps after Death 75Chapter 6: Navigating the Probate Process 93Chapter 7: Marshalling and Liquidating Assets 111Chapter 8: Paying the Debts, Expenses, Bequests, and Devises from the Estate 135Chapter 9: Closing the Estate 149Part 3: Operating a Revocable or Irrevocable Trust 159Chapter 10: Understanding the Trustee's Duties 161Chapter 11: Funding the Trust 173Chapter 12: Investing the Trust's Assets and Paying Its Expenses 187Chapter 13: Paying Trust Beneficiaries 207Chapter 14: Creating and Keeping Trust Records 221Chapter 15: Terminating the Trust 235Part 4: Paying the Taxes 245Chapter 16: Preparing the Estate Tax Return, Part 1 247Chapter 17: Preparing the Estate Tax Return, Part 2 269Chapter 18: Filing Income Tax Returns for a Decedent, Estate, or Trust 295Chapter 19: Weighing Income Tax Implications 319Chapter 20: Reporting Tax Info on Schedule K-1 331Part 5: The Part of Tens 343Chapter 21: Ten Pitfalls for the Unwary 345Chapter 22: Ten Types of Taxes You May Have to Pay 353Appendix A: Glossary 359Appendix B: State-by-State Rules of Intestacy and Estate or Inheritance Tax 369Index 401
Margaret Atkins Munro, EA, has more than 30 years' experience in trusts, estates, family tax, and small businesses. She lectures for the IRS annually at their volunteer tax preparer programs. Kathryn A. Murphy, Esq., is an attorney with more than 20 years' experience administering estates and trusts and preparing estate and gift tax returns.